What did Michael Vick do that was so wrong ???

2017-01-03 4:49 am
Don't get offended it's just a question

回答 (7)

2017-01-03 5:09 am
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He TORTURED animals, this is one of the major signs of a psychopath. Oh I'm not just talking about the dog fighting ring that he financed, although that is basically torture, I'm talking about him admitting to actually straight up torturing dogs that weren't good enough in his opinion. Then you have his admitted method of killing. I mean if he had shot the dogs that lost it would be one thing, but he admits to throwing htem off a balcony to kill. I mean if had a little compassion it would be bad enough, but dude was just sick about it.
2017-01-03 5:01 am
Google it. In short, he violated the RICO Act.
2017-01-03 5:54 am
Besides unspeakable cruelty to animals, he gambled on the dog fights. Players in all sports get banned for life for gambling because it can damage the integrity of the game. Gamblers at the dog fights could've blackmailed him into throwing games or at least shaving points.
2017-01-03 4:53 am
I don't know, what he was doing was no different than what kids these days do with Pokemon.
2017-01-03 4:51 am
Joined the Union.
2017-01-07 8:23 pm
Besides being an ****** he permitted dog fighting on his land supported it.
2017-01-03 9:31 am
He had dogs fight each other.

It's wrong because- morally speaking- he was making money off of dogs killing each other.

To be fair- It is absolutely less bad than actually hurting a human, for 2 major reasons.

1) humans are intrinsically above animals. We are human beings, we have a soul, we have higher intelligence, we have a conscience, we are created in the image of God, and also- it would be perverse and weird for a species to not value its own species over that of another species. We, as humans, should value humans- duh. Otherwise we will weed ourselves out.

2) Also, when someone is hurting an innocent human, THEY are DIRECTLY causing violence.

When you dog fight, you merely set the conditions up for dogs instincts to want to attack/fight/kill EACH OTHER.

With dog fighting, you are preying on their instincts, and tricking them into fighting each other, and then profiting from iit.

It is very morally wrong, BUT, not as bad as raping or killing a HUMAN being.

However, it's still bad.

I was satisfied with the result- Vick went to jail, Vick apologized and became a better human being, Vick was FORGIVEN (as God says to forgive) and is now playing in the NFL, given a second chance, and is a changed man. (Or he may have retired by now, idk.)

Either way, I was happy with the overall result. Its good he faced consequences for his crimes and immoral actions- and it's also good that after he paid his debt to society and did his time, that he was forgiven and given a second chance ,and its good he changed his ways and learned to love and respect animals.

Animals are NOT on the same level as humans- and eating animals for food is not morally wrong, as we are omnivores- but we should still show animals respect and not kill them needlessly.

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