Why doesnt my husband trust me?

2017-01-03 1:58 am
So i gave him back my wedding ring because now he has questioned my loyalty about being at work speaking with other men just about general stuff. I never gave him a reason to think or assume i would cheat. I dont have the heart to cheat. I just tell him about another man at work even if they are married or have a girlfriend he just says "so? I dont care i dont trust them" like i dont what my husbands issue is but this year im not dealing with this thing of him not caring its like i work mostly with them and if i speak to them as a regular person he's going to have to get use to it. He can check my phone and find nothing i have nothing to hide unlike his exes who have cheated on him in the past

回答 (7)

2017-01-03 2:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
You answered your question in the last sentence.. he has been hurt in the past and has trust issues.
2017-01-03 2:05 am
How does he know you speak to other men at work? Does he come and stalk you on your job? If not, then by telling him about every guy you speak with, you're just fueling the fire. Roughly half the people on the planet are male. You're going to have to interact with some of them now and then. Don't bring it up. If he says anything, then turn it around and ask how many women he spoke to that day? He's got no more right to be upset at you speaking to the opposite sex than you do at him for doing it.

Apparently he's very insecure. Something you should've been aware of before marriage. He didn't just become that way after marriage, unless something was done to cause him to mistrust you.

What good does returning the wedding ring do, if you aren't filing for divorce? Either you want to remain married and work things out (so you keep the ring), or you're checking out the reviews for divorce lawyers in your area.

Couples counseling might help (or solo counseling for him).

Edit: You said "I wasnt aware of him being insecure but he just might be. I gave it back to him and told him not to give it back unless he changes his mindset about me working with other men which i have no choice to do"

If you knew him for very long, it shouldn't have been something he could easily hide. If he changed after marriage, then you two need to figure out why (what triggered it?) As you said, you work in a place where you have to interact with males. That's unlikely to change. Encourage him to speak to a professional about why it bothers him so much, so he can learn to stop feeling that way. All he's doing is damaging his marriage.
2017-01-03 2:08 am
I copied BABEHART's answer because she always trolls on the internet.

Apparently he's very insecure. Something you should've been aware of before marriage. He didn't just become that way after marriage, unless something was done to cause him to mistrust you.

What good does returning the wedding ring do, if you aren't filing for divorce? Either you want to remain married and work things out (so you keep the ring), or you're checking out the reviews for divorce lawyers in your area.

How does he know you speak to other men at work? Does he come and stalk you on your job? If not, then by telling him about every guy you speak with, you're just fueling the fire. Roughly half the people on the planet are male. You're going to have to interact with some of them now and then. Don't bring it up. If he says anything, then turn it around and ask how many women he spoke to that day? He's got no more right to be upset at you speaking to the opposite sex than you do at him for doing it.

Couples counseling might help (or solo counseling for him).
2017-01-03 2:23 am
How the hell did this not come up while you were dating? Did you date for a week or something before getting married?
2017-01-03 7:26 am
Maybe you can start to figure out
why he has exes that cheated on
him in the past (hint: besides him,
who else confirms they cheated?)
2017-01-03 3:33 am
Because he has be cheated on in the past. You should not be mentioning other men to him, men don't like their wife talking about them. What if he came home and started talking about other women all the time, you think you would like that?
2017-01-03 2:10 am
So you have quit the marriage. That's what returning the wedding ring to him means unless you are just playing games. Go file for a divorce or learn to communicate better. Returning a wedding ring back to a spouse is a definitive message. If you are quitting the marriage, you've made the appropriate move. There is no other way to interpret your action with respect. If you don't mean it.. .then your words and actions are not to be believed. That is not how you want to live. Particularly if you want people (husband) to believe you.

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