my dog is freaking out??? any advice?
i was playing trivial pursuit with my family tonight (it's around 10pm now) and my dog is really freaking out for some reason. my sister thought he felt really warm so she gave him a shower but he's still freaking out. he doesnt seem in pain, it started 3 hours ago so it's probably not an infection, it's not storming, there's no fireworks or guns, no earthquakes or anything, no murderers (afaik). we have taken him for a walk, given him more food and water, let her into my bed, asked him to show us (which he usually can do) and nothing is working...
any tips or advice would be greatky appreciated :)
回答 (4)
Take it to a vet comes to mind....
How does freaking out look like? It is a very imprecise description, the only thing it implies is some sort of agitation on part of your dog.
Is your dog an unneutered male and is it a possibility that a female in heat is within a mile radius?
Why would somebody go to giving a bath if the dog is freaking out - for some that would be guaranteed to cause even more stress. And 'feeling really warm' doesn't mean the dog is running a fever necessarily just as the nose wetness isn't a guarantee of anything really - it's quite easy to use a rectal thermometer to check!! 101F is normal for a dog - 102 might be seen if under stress and higher means infection.
And why give a dog food? If the vet is going to have to sedate the dog, when you eventually take him there, he should HAVE food in his stomach.
The possibility of a b itch in season nearby is worth considering, but I'd not think this is anything other than a guess.
Vet - depending on exactly what is this freaking out!!
did you feel his nose for wetness? Probably an infection or Parasite. And some advice GO TO THE DAMNED VET
收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:59:53
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