Can we change automatic car gear while driving like D to L2 ?is it safe?

2017-01-02 7:16 am

回答 (5)

2017-01-02 8:38 am
can you yes. but why just leave it alone
2017-01-03 4:08 am
"Can we change automatic car gear while driving like D to L2 ?"

Who is this "we" you speak of?

"is it safe?"

Generally speaking; it's safe. All you're doing is limiting the transmission to 1st and 2nd gears, and forcing a downshift. Most cars made in the last 25 years or so won't allow the transmission to downshift into too low a gear that would result in the engine speed exceeding redline. With that said, there's only a few situations where it would be considered advantageous to do so.
2017-01-02 8:11 am
You should not go above certain speeds in the lower gears. Electronically controlled transmissions might not even downshift while you'e going the wrong speed for it.
2017-01-02 7:54 am
Yes, it changes the gear ratio in your transition so you'll have higher RPM at a lower speed, creating more torque.
2017-01-02 7:25 am
yes, not a problem, going down hills i drop down so i don,t have to use the brake

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:59:53
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