Who's ready for 2017?

2017-01-01 4:41 am
I'm definitely not.

回答 (15)

2017-01-01 5:07 am
I am about as ready asI will ever be for the new year.
2017-01-01 4:50 am
I am;
It's the year I get to retire and stop working my Back to death
2017-02-23 12:27 am
I am now
2017-01-01 5:19 am
Like it or not 2017 is hours away. Ready or not
2017-01-01 5:07 am
I am ☺️
2017-01-01 5:06 am
Me kinda
2017-01-01 4:59 am
I'm absolutely ready.
2017-01-01 4:54 am
2017-01-01 4:49 am
Not me
2017-01-01 4:46 am
Not me...each year only gets worse as it comes...
2017-01-01 4:45 am
Trump will hopefully have a heart attack
2017-01-01 4:43 am
Ready or not I'm going in
2017-01-01 4:43 am
Not I. Ready for 2016 to end though. Sigh
2017-01-01 4:42 am
I am
2017-01-01 4:42 am

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:58:52
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