What none talking birds make good pets?

2016-12-31 3:01 am

回答 (9)

2017-01-01 10:00 am
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Roosters. fantastic alarm clocks.
2016-12-31 3:02 am
The ones in packages in the market.
2017-01-02 5:14 am
Some people like finches. I like talking birds.
2017-01-01 4:27 am
Your question doesn't make sense. If you meant non-talking birds, any small commonly sold birds are good, and quiet for apartment or small home living. Canaries, small finches, budgies, and cockatiels aren't great talkers, but all make their own birdie sounds. Canaries are the best singers, and cockatiels are the most personable.
2016-12-31 6:39 am
I like Budgies (canaries). They sing, don't talk.
2016-12-31 5:09 am
Canaries and Finches. Canaries Don't talk But sing A lot! They are Particularly known for their beautiful songs. Finches Are Another bird that do not talk, however Like most birds they do sing but not A lot. It is Best To Keep Finches In Groups or Pairs. I am not sure If Canaries Are Suppose to Be put in Groups or Pairs though. Make sure you Research The Type of bird you want before you get it :-) Good luck!
2016-12-31 3:39 am
Finches make nice pets. They are small and sometimes sing. They don't talk but have lovely songs. They still need cleaning of the cage, feeding, etc.

Canaries, Lovebirds, etc.
2016-12-31 3:18 am
2016-12-31 3:02 am

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