i have a question about sexual harrassment?

2016-12-31 12:22 am
would saying "the only fuks i give are in bed so if u want me to give a *** u better spread those legs" be sexual harrasment. i feel like it shouldnt be because its not agressive and not really preture but it probably is

回答 (5)

2016-12-31 1:56 am
Yes, that's pretty nasty. It doesn't have to be physically aggressive to be harassment. If you heard this comment at work, report the guy and let the employer inform him that that's the last time he'll get the benefit of the doubt. No matter where it happened, avoid the guy so he knows it's not OK to say nasty stuff to you.
2016-12-31 12:37 am
I would not consider it to be and wouldn't get my drawers in an uproar over it.. BUT there are women who would faint dead away because of it and go running and screaming lawsuit! So best not to say it in a work or school environment.
2016-12-31 12:30 am
It's not harassment. It's not even pressure. Reads like a joke to me. Jokes aren't illegal even if they're crude and unfunny.
2016-12-31 12:29 am
It is sexual harassment. If it doesn't have anything to do with work, it usually doesn't belong.
2016-12-31 12:24 am
It's verbal abuse and intimidation...

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