My face turns bright red?

2016-12-30 6:04 pm
My face always turns bright red when I talk to people..and I can always feel it coming and when it turns red I can feel it and it just turns ever more red because I'm embarrassed about it :( i don't know how to stop it, it happens on a daily basis when I'm talking to new people or even people I know. People think I'm blushing when I talk to them but I'm not!! My face always gets red when I'm nervous or in a social situation and I try and avoid talking to people because of it :( it's been making me feel really depressed to the point where I can't even go out places. I've never been like this. Any advice??

回答 (3)

2016-12-30 6:05 pm
Do more talking to strangers. Practice makes perfect
2016-12-30 6:25 pm
If you "right" such sentences, you will NOT get the desired result. It will not yield any solution.

It will only take you in negative, reverse or darker directions.

Instead keep your mind always, sharp, bright, alert, vigilant and fertile.
參考: compiled.
2016-12-30 6:06 pm
Paint your face.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:54:13
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