Are Christians allowed to hate others?

2016-12-30 6:03 pm

回答 (11)

2016-12-30 6:59 pm
They are allowed to hate all.
2016-12-30 6:27 pm
yes, it seems so
2016-12-30 6:12 pm
It is compulsory.
2016-12-30 8:32 pm
They are allowed to hate evil.
參考: Common sense.
2016-12-30 6:40 pm
True Christians should not have hate in their hearts. Sadly there are a great many 'false' Christians around who seem to ignore that part of Jesus' teachings.
2016-12-30 6:20 pm
No, the only thing we are told to hate is evil and it has to start in yourself.
2016-12-30 8:30 pm
Yes and no , but ultimately Jesus taught to love ones enemies and do good to overcome evil, but in the practice, true ones will not return love, nor repent
Evil men are becoming hunters and gang stalkers , they are sodomite rapists, And don't care about love their deeds and works are abominations
2016-12-30 6:29 pm
Yes, they hate Muslims so much.
2016-12-30 6:24 pm
Allowed by whom? And what do you mean by "hate "?

The Bible certainly commands against hatred, and defines hatred in terms of wishing evil upon other people. God claims the right to judge the secret thoughts of our hearts in this regard. However judging people's thoughts is beyond the scope of the law.

Modern thinking is that just telling someone they are wrong is an act of hatred. So Christians are accused of religious hatred for saying that Muhammad or Joseph Smith were false prophets. And they are accused of hating gays when they tell gays that God doesn't want men to have sex with other men, or when a minister refuses to perform a gay marriage.
2016-12-30 6:17 pm
2016-12-30 6:06 pm
Yes, they are allowed, they are human. Just the 10 Commandments won't allow it.

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