What could be the cause of the arm pain?

2016-12-30 6:01 pm
For a Female at 60 years of age if the arm is sore (the right arm) pain starts to move to shoulder in movements and then the pain eases off in the shoulder but still in the arm. The pain is for days.

回答 (3)

2016-12-30 6:10 pm
Try stretching. Or check if any wounds on your arm. If there is swelling in your arm you should ask for doctor's advice.
2016-12-30 6:04 pm
Heart disease
2016-12-30 6:03 pm
I have had that for a number of years, and so has my mom and grandmother before her. The fact is, the shoulders just get worn over time, so you have to make sure you don't put too much strain on lifting things. I had to quit playing the violin because of it, which totally sucked, but that's just part of getting older. It's nothing to worry about.
2016-12-30 6:01 pm
heart attack

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