How do I find my authentic self?

2016-12-30 5:51 pm
So I'm 15 and as long as I can remember I've always been doing and saying things that other people want to see or hear and I haven't really done anything I think I wanted to do. I honestly don't know what it is like to be myself. My entire life I've always felt pressured to live up to people's standards. I was always bullied by my family and kids and school. I'm older now, taking therapy, and I can see that I'm damaged but I don't know how to fix it. In my mind I always imagine myself being myself but I'm not sure that's actually myself. I probably don't make sense AT ALL but like I feel that what I have to say is constantly being judged and because of this I always have to watch my thoughts and I don't feel like myself. If I think of something judgemental or negative in my mind I always criticize myself and ask why I'm such a terrible person. I just want to be myself and positive. Also I don't have a support system. Any advice? On anything related to this it would really mean a lot thank you

回答 (2)

2016-12-30 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Remember Hitler's name always. There should be some spiritual connection between your Higher Self and Lower Self.

Then only you will get your original self-identity.

There are certain rules and regulations and systems and procedures for this. If one is under the influence of powerful drugs, weed, LSD or marijuana, his mind get inebriated. it is difficult to have such self-identity.
參考: compiled.
2016-12-30 5:54 pm
Why don't you just do what you want to do? Working on your interest might be one of the solutions.

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