How to listen to music on a rollarcoaster?

2016-12-30 4:31 am
I know it sounds like a stupid question but I seriously want the answer. I mean before I've tried just plugging my earbuds into my phone. But this time its a faster rollar coaster that goes up 100ft.
I'm just asking about ways I could do it, since I'm out of ideas.

回答 (2)

2016-12-30 4:52 am
This is not the dumbest question I've seen on this subject. A few years ago I saw a question from a fifteen year old girl who wanted to know if there was a gizmo to plug two pairs of earbuds into so she and her boyfriend could listen to the same music together while they had sex. (Which of course there is, she just didn't know what to call it.)

Anyway, various companies sell 'sports' earbuds that are made not to fall out during vigorous motions (like fifteen-year-old sex, I'm guessing). Some are like earbuds but have hooks that go around your ears. Some are bluetooth devices with a cord that goes around behind your head. I have even seen people jogging with full-sized earphones with foam cups that go over your ears to seal out noise, but they'd have to be pretty tight to stay on, and eventually this would get pretty uncomfortable.

I don't know how noisy rollercoasters are these days, but there might be a problem with volume.
2016-12-30 7:23 am
I think you should skip the music on a ride like that.

You should want to hear the mechanical sounds of the coaster ---
some of which could involve your personal safety.

[Never mind that, for certain reasons, I would skip the ride altogether...]

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