I don't want to eat? 600-800 cals a day?

2016-12-29 6:54 am
I've recently lost a lot of weight by watching what I've been eating (1,400 cals a day) but recently I've been taking it further.
I've been planning out my meals, writing down calories, weighing myself constantly, scared to gain weight. I'm eating around 500 to 800 cals a day. I know this is bad but I don't want to gain weight again. I also don't feel hungry, but I crave. I do dance 3 times a week, walking 3 miles a day and excersize bike for 30 mins a day. What do I do? Give me advice please!!! I'm 14, 5-7"-8" and 9.3 stone.

回答 (5)

2016-12-29 10:33 am
if you were losing weight on a 1400 calorie/day diet, then don't go lower-you don't need to! your body needs food to fuel itself, so you can do your exercises. don't worry so much about gaining weight, especially since you seem so healthy!
2016-12-29 9:47 am
eat whatever the **** you want i do and at the end of the day im happier
2016-12-29 7:00 am
Your weight is perfect, so stop starving yourself. You need 3 nutritious meals every day. If they are small meals, you will not gain weight.
2016-12-29 8:01 am
You should eat more protein
2016-12-29 7:16 am
Eat one large meal a day. Just try it

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