The format did not complete successfully?

2016-12-28 8:54 pm
i have a 64GB sd card and it wasn't working fine since the day i bought it.. i tried to format it using quick format it said unable to format, then i tried using the computer management to fix it, it also said " The format did not complete successfully " i tried everything and i googled it but could not find an answer.. please help i need to fix it for my phone. oh, and i'm trying to format it to NTFS not FAT32.

回答 (3)

2016-12-28 10:38 pm
64GB will be an SDXC card. Not all devices are compatible with them and that means they cannot correctly format them.

Check that whichever card reader you're using is SDXC compliant. If it isn't then buy another SDXC reader/writer to plug into a USB port. Note that there is no way to upgrade firmware to make earlier versions of SD devices work with later versions; the hardware itself is different and so firmware cannot overcome that.
2016-12-28 10:06 pm
You should have took it back first day now quit messing around go buy one exactly like it return the old one and just say I bought this and it won't format just refund my card.

You don't have to volunteer the information of when you first bought the card
2016-12-28 10:05 pm
If it doesn't work, then return it or exchange it for one that does work. Or try just putting it in the phone and let it format it.

Your phone probably needs it in FAT32 format through, not NTFS. Most do.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:59:05
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