Why do football players have that "Puffy" look?

2016-12-28 5:02 pm
You know, you can look at them and tell they play football. Their neck, face is buff, but in a "puffed up" kind of way.

Other athletes don't have that quality, at least not in the way that football players do.

Power-lifters, weight lifters, body builders, basketball players don't have that feature. The closest athletes with that feature are some hockey players.

回答 (4)

2016-12-28 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Because they work out while eating normal food. Body builders starve and dehydrate. Other sports don't need as much strength so they condition differently.
2016-12-28 7:42 pm
Because they are sweaty and they get hit
2016-12-28 5:29 pm
Shaun Combs
2016-12-28 5:21 pm
I'm not sure but I'd say steroids

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