Should I text him?

2016-12-27 12:52 pm
My ex and I have decided to stay friends, we hang out once a week. If I text him one night, he texts back the next night and I'll text back the night after that - I know, so weird. Anyway last Wednesday he asked me if I'm free on Friday, I text back the next day telling him that I am. But I get no reply....Friday afternoon I sent him a question mark and he immediately responded by asking me what time. When I saw him, he had expensive, thoughtful Christmas gifts for me so I was a bit confused. I'm thinking of asking him to hang out this week, but I'm not sure if I should because he didn't seem to want to the last time...

回答 (2)

2016-12-27 4:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This somehow does not seem as being friends. On the contrary it seems as you two still like each other but are scared to make a move. Do you like him as more than friend? If so initiate to meet up and be honest. I think he would have a positive response as well. HOWEVER if you ONLY want to be friends, please dont hang out. Take a step back and take some time and space. May be eventually you can be real friends. But not right now when you are acting as exes who havent moved on. Friends Im sure you know is all about talking unimportant everyday things as many times as possible in a day and hanging out. Thats not the vibe in your relationship now.
2016-12-27 1:05 pm

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