Question about gravitational force.?

2016-12-26 3:17 pm
I don't understand what does the answer of (1) trying to say.
Why do I need to consider wether the moment about the center of mass is zero or not?
I can simply find the center of mass by the equation provided, i.e. mQ r = m P (2r).
How is the center of mass related to the center of circular motion?

回答 (1)

2016-12-26 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If a rigid body is free to rotate, the axis of rotation must passes through its centre of mass. A binary star system behaves the same, the centre of rotation of the system coincides with its centre of mass. You can imagine that if the two centres do not coincide, there arises a net moment and the system will collapse.

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