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Yahoo doesn't use paid, hired, moderators. It is a system of Community Moderation.
Community moderation
At Yahoo Answers, we rely on the honor system to reward and empower reliable Answers contributors.
Community Members who consistently and honestly identify and report questions and answers have more influence than others. If more than one of you reports the same question or answer, it will be removed.
See our article on reporting abuse to learn more about alerting us to inappropriate content.
Reported, but wasn't immediately removed?
The system is new and in Beta, so not all questions and answers are moderated by the community.
Right now, some reports go to our customer care team for review as the two systems are working in parallel until we feel comfortable enough to make it 100% community-moderated.
Don't worry! Just because the question or answer you reported wasn't removed right away doesn't mean you're not trusted. Trust scores are always in flux, so you're not either "trusted" or "not trusted"--they're not mutually exclusive.
Metrics (including your trust score, the trust score of others who may have reported it, and the trust score of the poster) determine whether or not a question or answer is removed right away.
It also depends on whether the report goes to the customer care team or the community moderation system.