My dog is threatening me, help!?

2016-12-25 1:22 pm
My mom and I were to have christmas at a friend's house and my mom didn't want to bring him along cause there were dogs there and things could get messy so we left him to the guard for the night and now he wont let me touch him! he threatened/tried to bite me and I dont know what to do now because he's not on his leash as of the moment. please help!

also, our neighbor told us he was crying all night so he might be upset at me but I dont get why he would try to bite me. And he really needs a bath so I dont know how I'm gonna do that.

回答 (5)

2016-12-25 10:59 pm
Any behavioral change warrants a visit to a vet to rule out any possible medical issues.

Then correct this poor behavior and don't allow it to happen again.
2016-12-25 6:42 pm
Then more fool you for letting it
2016-12-25 2:14 pm
You need to tell him who's boss. He will learn to re-associate with you after a while.
2016-12-25 3:45 pm
Sort this out with your mum...

This dog might need a bath but it isn't your job to do it even if this is all true.
2016-12-25 1:28 pm
I don't think thats how normal dogs act, maybe talk to animal control or a vet

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