Why are my eyeballs buring?

2016-12-25 12:59 pm
Like if I tear up they will start burning very very bad I don't have sunburns or mascara on I'm 13 years old what can it be?

回答 (4)

2016-12-27 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Many possible causes. It could be that you have something on your hands that you transferred to your eyes by rubbing them (could be anything: lemon juice, cat or dog grease and you are a bit allergic, perfume). It could be that there is something in the air that is irritating your eyes (pet dander is a common one, but also chemical fumes do it, even smoke does it). It could be that you are coming down with a cold, or your eyes are really dry for some reason.

I suggest washing your hands and rinsing them well to get rid of any soap residue (even soap can cause burning eyes) and then wash your face using a lot of water around your eyes, and see if that helps. It usually helps me, when it is an irritation I passed to my eyes from my hands. Odors and vapors won't be much helped by rinsing although it should help for a short time until the vapors get back into the eye fluids. If it is odors or vapors, you have to clear the air. Not much you can do about a cold coming on except try antihistamines (which should help with any of the other problems too, but why take a medicationand wait for it to start to work when all it takes is cleaning?).
2016-12-25 1:07 pm
It could be allergies, the weather, or ur allergic to something
2016-12-26 1:10 pm
Flannel with cold water or frozen veg bag on them!!!???!!!
2016-12-25 8:50 pm
Flush your eyeballs with clean running water to remove any contaminants that may cause burning. See doctor immediately.

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