Do you think Obama should move to reschedule marijuana before he goes?

2016-12-25 3:12 am
I think Jeff Sessions will undo as much of the marijuana industry as possible, costing America millions of dollars. Opinions?

回答 (10)

2016-12-25 3:45 am
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Billions, Trillions but as far as Jeff is concerned it's the Evil Weed.
2016-12-25 3:20 am
This will be a state's rights issue and Sessions won't be able to do anything about it. He is after all a state's rights champion.
2016-12-25 4:22 am
Love to see him do that and a lot more before he leaves office.
2016-12-25 4:09 am
He can't do that by himself.
2016-12-25 3:21 am
Obama doesn't have that ability.
2016-12-25 3:21 am
hell yes,

and freeze US treasury regs tht make it hard for pot farmers to move their money.

it doesnt have to be hi profile;

dt has no need to kno,

he's Not Our President!
參考: . We the People.
2016-12-25 3:21 am
2016-12-25 3:19 am
2016-12-25 3:14 am
I doubt that he could do anything at this point that couldn't be undone. And since he's had eight years to do it, I doubt that he's interested.
2016-12-25 3:16 am
He's too busy f_cking over Israel and distancing himself from Israeli supporting Christians and Jews who were stupid enough to vote for him.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:57:33
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