Can a TRUMP supporter be honest enough to point out a couple mistakes that TRUMP has already made or do you enjoy President "Tweet"TRUMP?

2016-12-24 6:50 pm

回答 (7)

2016-12-24 6:57 pm
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LOL, they don't know the meaning of being honest
2016-12-24 7:04 pm
Well you gotta relearn what the word mistake means.

I mean, if you are talking about political correctness or what is rude or not right. You are completely wrong and stop being a first amendment nazi.

First figure out how the situation works. What results could come and then after you did some work, then discuss things with the adults.
2016-12-24 6:57 pm
Oh look, the loser is now trying to blame Obama's failings on yet-to-be-inaugurated Trump.
2016-12-24 7:10 pm
They don't care what he says or what he was never about politics it was about a bunch of savages who want to see the country eat ****.
2016-12-24 6:51 pm
Kill the financial political system.
2016-12-24 6:51 pm
Yes, he didn't step in the office yet
2016-12-26 2:50 am
What mistakes? You should appreciate the revolutionary way a President can communicate with the people directly. We've never had that before in history. He likes reaching out to people. Dont take his tweets as official policy. Mostly they are his thoughts and ideas.

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