Why nowadays people have sex before marriage?

2016-12-24 9:51 am

回答 (7)

2016-12-24 9:51 am
They are Horney. Not hard to figure out.
2016-12-24 9:59 am
Because they do not want to wait until they are married to get it.
2016-12-25 12:01 am
People been having sex before marriage since I have been on this Earth. and that is over 40 years.
2016-12-24 11:51 pm
People been having sex before marriage for years, maybe even decades. They have sex before marriage for several reasons. One reason is that they may be in a serious relationship and plan to get married.
2016-12-24 10:58 am
it's not just nowadays. it's just in the open now.
2016-12-24 9:56 am
People have always had sex before marriage. They just don't have to sneak around to do it anymore, because it will no longer ruin their reputation, career, etc.
2016-12-24 10:11 am
Temptation and no religious affiliation.

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