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My wife loves those reality cooking shows... One night she was watching a "dramatic" episode where two of the contestants finally called out that season's "bad guy" character for his "disrespectful and disruptive" behavior..
One of the complaining contestants was a gay man who said the other guy's "catty" behavior made it impossible to work with him. The other was a minority woman who complained how he "talked down" to her with "thinly veiled racism and misogyny."
The host was a well known celeb/model and the main judge was one of those high-profile "rockstar" chefs (you know, a guy who owns restaurants in NY, Vegas, Miami, etc...).
After the pair had stated their case, the judge/chef asked them "Did he tamper with your recipes, hurt you physically or actually sabotage your work?"
Both said "no."
"Then I think you two should grow up and realize that the real world judges you by what YOU produce... The real world doesn't care if you don't like your job.... But if I had two chefs working for me who told me their feelings were more important than the product being served with MY name on it...I'd fire them on them on the spot..."
The two 20-something chefs looked horrified...the female chef looked to the host/model for support...but the host simply nodded and said: "If my priority was to make everyone behave in a way that I accepted, I would never have had the success I did. If you tell me you'll only work with 'nice' people...or if you tell me that it's MY responsibility to make other people be nice to you... then you'd better pick another profession right now."
Why do you think that Shakespeare was once mandatory reading in every American high school? In studying great characters who are also deeply flawed, young people are supposed to accept both instead of discounting one for the other...