will i get diabetes?

2016-12-24 7:12 am
I have always been a thin person, but lately i have been eating a lot of sugar. Its the holidays and for the past month and a half I have completely went overboard. Starbucks lattes (filled with sugar!) almost everyday! today I have a grande peppermint mocha frappe w/out whip, and about 15 mini shortbread cookies, this levels out to about 85 grams of sugar for today. Totally insane! and i should only be eating around 25 grams of sugar a day, and lately i have not been active or drinking much water. I am seriously scared for my health. what can i do to level blood sugar levels?

回答 (5)

2016-12-24 9:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
The good news is that there is no food, not even sugar, that actually causes diabetes. Certain bad habits can increase the risk of diabetes, but some people eat sugar every day and never get diabetes and other people never eat actual sugar but still end up with diabetes.

Also, ALL carbohydrates become sugar in the blood. So, remember that besides all the things that you listed, anything else that you ate also become sugar in the blood. Bread, pasta, potatoes, all fruit, all vegetables, and even dairy products are all carbohydrates and all those things can also raise blood sugar. Different carbohydrates raise sugar levels differently. Some carbohydrates cause sudden sugar spikes while other carbohydrates cause a slower raise over time. (basically, good carbs from most vegetables and whole grains are better than the "bad" carbs that come from white grains and sugary treats.)

If you are not diabetic, your body is taking care of the sugar you are eating. You don't really need to do anything to "level" your blood sugar.

If you are still concerned, then cut your sugar intake.
2016-12-25 5:43 am
No and I hope I don't and I am kinda thin
2016-12-28 6:42 am
Diabetes is NOT caused by eating sugar!

In adults, it is caused by being overweight.

If you are thin, it is UNLIKELY that you will get diabetes.
2016-12-25 6:03 am
eat meats, eggs, cheeses, and salads!! that will equal about 25 g of carb per meal if you keep them to a sane level! but if you are not diabetic already, don't worry about it! I had a medium latte for mid morning snack with some shortbread cookies, Latte had whip on it as the fat in the full fat cream whip and the shortbread sort of short circuit the sugars!! In other words they neutralize them quite a bit.

I do not count grams of sugar!! I count only total grams of carbohydrate!! I try hard to stay under 100 grams of carbohydrate a day!! And yes it is the HolyDays and the house and everywhere else I go there are loads of things I should not have, but I do!
2016-12-24 7:15 am
no you won't

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