I am in the wrong field?

2016-12-23 8:59 pm
A little background, I am 30 years old and have my BA degree in Psychology. Currently I work for a large insurance selling all their 100+ products. I do all right for myself however I make very little money. I keep interviewing for their corporate positions and I get the interviews every time but never the job. I'm awful at communicating and I get really nervous when I speak. I don't think sales is for me. As my mom put it yesterday everyone needs insurance and it's an easy sale especially since you work a large book of business. How can I get out of this field?

回答 (6)

2016-12-23 10:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is not an easy sale. It is a very hard sale. If you are making enough money to be able to keep working in the field, then you are doing very well. Under 5% are able to do that. A few make no money, but are able to continue working by living off their savings; 95% have to stop working within a year because they aren't making enough to be able to keep working.
2016-12-28 1:59 am
Insurance sales are tough.

If you have some credentials in the industry (CIC, CPCU, etc), you can try to move on. Perhaps working on the carrier side would be more appropriate for you, working as an underwriter perhaps.
2016-12-24 11:58 pm
A BA in psychology is not as valuable, obviously, as a Master's Degree or PhD, but acquiring those takes time, money, and could still be wrong for you. Consider seeing a career counselor to look at other options that could be a better fit for you, with what you have now.
2016-12-23 9:47 pm
There is a better place for you, somewhere...doing something else. You don't need to know what it is but you should consider what that situation should have for you and you for it . Then look for it for a couple weeks. Having a deadline can help. Don't let your current employer know you are looking .
2016-12-23 9:08 pm
Easy apply to jobs in other fields and see if you get an interview and an offer.
2016-12-23 9:17 pm
the days are gone buddy insurance when we had real economies real interest rates were worth while most people worked in factories made stuff since we shipped all that to China and co most people are in retail can't afford insurance or are in finance everyman/woman and their dogs are in it with their sticky fingers every where banks insurance and brokers save money in a bank what do you get zilch the other finance investments the same you are lucky to get back what you put in that is the truth it's outdated overcrowded manic you are in the wrong field the world has been there done that exhausted it killed whatever life was in it same as your factories

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