Guitar made loud yelling noise?

2016-12-23 12:25 pm
I was playing guitar a few months ago, and I never found out the problem. I was playing on my Randall amp, and I was playing with my crybaby slash, my channel switcher, and my fender jaguar. I was singing freebird on clean, when my amp made a loud noise (sounds like a loud low pitched static that was at an ear bleeding volume). I got so ******* scared that I gently laid my guitar down and sprinted to my parents room, horrified, while my dad turned it off. Can someone explain this?

回答 (3)

2016-12-23 12:27 pm
2016-12-24 5:03 am
You say you were using your amp on clean setting when it made this noise which leads me to believe that you probably have a bad cable that is shorting out. Were you sitting on your bed? Sometimes the cable coming from the guitar can get bent right at the point where it goes into the jack and may make a "shorting" sound which is what you describe. It could also be the cable leading into or out of your wah pedal. Another possibility is that you hit your channel switcher which was set for a very high gain sound and produced a loud feedback which, combined with your wah pedal, made a very scary noise! This is one of the things about playing with amps and electric guitars, they occasionally will make some loud noises! If your cables are bad or your input jack is loose then any number of bad noises can occur. Try unplugging everything. Then plug just the guitar into just the amp and turn it on and play it, be sure to set the volume rather low at first.. Check both channels to see if they are making any strange noise. Try "jiggling" the cable to see if it makes and loud buzzing which would indicate a short in the cable or at the input jack. Try doing this with any cables you have. This way you can check the cables and guitar for any problems. Next try adding the wah pedal into the circuit. Take care to plug it in correctly because if you plug it in backwards it will make loud harsh noises when engaged. Try "jiggling" the cables going into and out of the pedal. Any loud buzzing or scratchy noises could indicate a bad cable or something wrong with the pedal. Once you have figured out if the noise is from the cables or the guitar or the pedal you can take the problematic component to your local music store and get it fixed...
參考: G.I.T. graduate 35+ years playing/teaching
2016-12-23 12:30 pm
It sounds like your pups (pick ups) aren't shielded.

Take them out and put aluminum foil under them and up the a small cup.

OK, you're probably thinking I'm pulling your leg right about now, but look for the process on YouTube and you'll see what I mean.

Here, I did it for you:

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