我們會傾向幫助與我們相似的人,是何原因?請舉實例說明。 拜託幫我解答。?

2016-12-22 9:34 pm

回答 (3)

2016-12-23 12:33 pm
Meaning entering the feeling of a person=empathy love lorn=empathy love lorn.
2016-12-23 3:58 am
First , i think because we have all go through this and you know this people have the same situation as you had before , so you will understand his/her problem and feeling . Then you may want to help him/her first:))
And i think its all about : 同理心(英语:Empathy),或称做換位思考、神入或共情,指站在對方立場設身處地思考的一種方式,即於人际交往过程中,能够体会他人的情绪和想法、理解他人的立场和感受,并站在他人的角度思考和处理问题。...So you gonna help people:))
For example:free hug
As i saw your question , then i know you want someone to answer it. So i think a while , then i answer you now:)) Hope i can help you:))
參考: Myself+google:))
2016-12-22 10:06 pm

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