there's a special programme running on research methods for anyone who wants some extra help on that。 “run on” 意思?

2016-12-22 7:04 pm

回答 (3)

2016-12-22 11:37 pm
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There's a special programme running on research methods...

There 's <a special program running> <on (the subject of) research methods for ...>

= There is an active program on (the subject of) research methods for anyone who...


現在有一隻<進行中的><於...的研究方法論題目>的 課程 ...
2016-12-23 12:46 pm
Active method on the subject of the(=a)research.
2016-12-23 11:41 am
There's a special program running on research methods for anyone who wants some extra help on that.
英文翻譯為"鑒於任何人對於一種特殊計劃的格外要求,所以該計劃應與研究方法連接起來." Run on== 在同一行或同一段中繼續不中斷;連接起來. Yip

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