If your boyfriend or girlfriend asked you to get rid of clothes your ex gave you, (bcus it hurts them) would you??? Why or why not?

2016-12-22 3:43 pm

回答 (3)

2016-12-22 4:28 pm
it depends. if i still love my ex then i wouldn't through them away. otherwise, i would gave them somewhere that they need them for help
2016-12-22 4:05 pm
No i would not they are just clothes the romance is over and if she is that unsure of me then why stay with me
2016-12-22 4:05 pm
I honestly wouldn't. I mean, yes, it's something my ex gave me, but that's the past, and if I am wearing those clothes, to be honest, I won't be wearing them around because I'm not over my ex, or I can't get rid of our good memories, etc. They're clothes and I would just wear them without giving it much thought. And if your significant other can't accept your past relationships and can't trust you, then I don't know if this is the healthiest relationship

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