Isn't it going to be such a beautiful sight to see all the illegals getting deported out of the United States when Trump becomes president?

2016-12-22 1:17 pm

回答 (8)

2016-12-22 1:18 pm
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2016-12-22 1:18 pm
Farewell muchacho
2016-12-22 1:18 pm
LOL! Can you just imagine it? You can? Good, 'cos that's all you're going to see. 8^)
2016-12-22 1:21 pm
Can you post a pic of you sobbing hysterically when Trump breaks your heart by not making your xenophobic dreams come true
2016-12-22 1:22 pm
it's going to be funnier in 4 years when there is no wall, and illegals are still pouring in just to see the tears on you cons faces to see how you been conned by the don!
2016-12-22 1:24 pm
I just don't see Dumpy actually doing that anytime soon, like how he admitted Drain the swap was just a slogan, Donny has no intention to Drain the swap. Like he down graded building a great stone wall to a "good fence". Trumpkins are just so gullible, lol. God Bless America .
2016-12-22 1:22 pm
Even Hitler kept the Jews as slave labor because he knew it would create a labor shortage. I think your Alt-Right-Nazi leader will back off of that fake campaign promise too.
2016-12-22 1:24 pm
I hope TRUMP offends me but he`s too smart....I just met a girl named Bluejean...gotta a turned up nose....

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