Do I weigh enough to go to weight watchers?

2016-12-22 4:10 am
I've never been before but I am 5ft 2 and weigh about 10 and a half stone. I'm only about 14lbs over weight if that but I just feel really embarrassed at how big I have got and because I'm so short you can really notice it. I have no motivation and feel something like this could really help me. I just wanted to know do you need to be a certain amount overweight or can anyone join?

回答 (6)

2016-12-22 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can lose 10 lbs/mo with this plan: Stick to fresh fruits and veggies, salads, eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, whole grain cereals and drink lots of water. Avoid fast foods, junk foods, greasy foods, sodas, coffee or starches. Eat only what fits in a soup bowl. And of course do some exercising.
2017-01-24 5:45 am
how the hell don't u know when it's time to lose weight? how ar we supposed to make up your mind for you?
2016-12-22 4:29 am
ANY)ONE can go to qweight watchers
2016-12-22 5:30 am
any one can go dude
2016-12-22 5:24 am
You are overweight enough to join them but I am slightly taller than you and same weight and I would not waste money going to any diet clubs but I have stuck to healthy eating and exercise because I am now type 2 diabetic and have lost 28lbs so far, Good Luck
2016-12-22 4:36 am
Well it won't take you long to reach your goal, although people who go to weight watchers are quite a lot heavier than you. Also it's expensive so Hope you are ready for that.

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