Raw eggs+ milk, good combo?

2016-12-22 1:24 am
Hello there! I just wanna ask that 2 raw eggs+ 1 glass of milk added with chocolate malt and sugar a good combination or not. I do workout thrice a week and take the supplement daily.
Actually i want to increase my weight first, then muscles; because i am 6'' and just 54kgs. I eat a lot but that doesnt affect my weight.
Also, raw eggs and milk is a very quick and tasty process. The boring taste of boiled eggs or omlettes demotivates me to eat any egg -_- .

So, I just want to ask is it good to have raw eggs and good or you have something interesting way to eat eggs in a quick time.

Thank you for any answer but not for any silly and stupid answer.

回答 (2)

2016-12-22 2:32 am
There is no benefit to eating eggs raw, the protein in eggs is more readily available to the body when cooked. There is also a small risk of salmonella from raw eggs. If you're looking for more protein, meat is going to be the most efficient source. If you're looking for egg recipes, presumably Google works on your computer.

" i want to increase my weight first, then muscles" - this statement makes no sense. If you're eating healthy foods and you are physically active, any weight gained will be muscle, there is no benefit to forcing fat onto your body. If your diet is balanced, your body fat levels will find their way to where they should be.
2016-12-22 1:37 am
In the US, some eggs are contaminated with salmonella. The incidence is low, but you'll get very sick, so don't take the risk. Use pasteurized eggs. These are safe. They're available in the egg section. They look like other eggs, and they won't taste any different in your drink.

The idea that raw egg will help you build muscle is a myth that started with the movie Rocky. It has no basis in reality.

Eggs have some protein and a little fat.

A large egg weighs about 50 grams. It has 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat and 78 calories.

For comparison, 50 grams of chicken has 14 grams of protein and 6 grams of fat and 120 calories.

If you want protein, eggs do have some, but they're not as good a source of protein as chicken. Chicken also has more calories.

If you want to gain weight, you're going to need to eat a lot more calories. Eggs are not particularly helpful here. If you want to build muscle, you need to lift weights and you need to eat protein. Eggs are not particularly helpful here, as it has less than half the protein as the same amount of chicken.

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