Are there historical facts about the bible?

2016-12-21 10:51 pm
I became Born Again years ago, but I've been struggling to see a lot of the bible to be historically true as of lately. I am just wondering, is there any historically proof of stuff in the bible, like the garden ofeden, the flood, etc.?

回答 (43)

2016-12-21 11:02 pm
History in the bible is inaccurate at best, and pure fiction for the most part.
Evidence doesn't support any of the bible's claims.
2016-12-21 11:14 pm
Are there historical facts about the bible?

Of course. Are you really going to listen to the words of unbelievers? Lol
I seriously doubt you are if you are a believer in Christ so here you go. Plenty of evidence that the Bible is true from fact and science and that the garbage being spewed around you is garbage from Satan

#1 evidence for the flood.......
#2 evidence for a young Earth......
#3 evidence for the Bible in archeology.....
#4 evidence for the creation in Genesis 1
2016-12-21 11:06 pm
Yes of course there are. Don't listen to atheists who don't even believe it. They are just haters of God and lovers of evil. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and the word of other Christians around you who have experience and understanding in the word
2 Corinthians 4:4

In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

John 9:39

Jesus said, “For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind.”

Romans 11:8

As it is written, “God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that would not see and ears that would not hear, down to this very day.”

Isaiah 43:8

Bring out the people who are blind, yet have eyes, who are deaf, yet have ears!
2016-12-21 10:53 pm
Most of Genesis is allegory. It is not supported by any evidence and certainly not supported by science. There is plenty of evidence that Noah's flood did not happen and none at all that it did.
2016-12-21 10:56 pm
Of course there are!

Just like the Harry Potter novels contain historic facts and places -- they mention real cities in the UK (Surrey and London) and the Prime Minister of England, and many, many other factual, historic places, people and things.

But NONE OF THAT makes the HP stories real; their premises in MAGIC are not real; the characters like Dumbledore and and Voldemort will NEVER be real; nor will any of the other outrageous claims in the books EVER become REAL.

It doesn't work that way.

Cult believers need to stop trying to use crap like that to make their bronze-age Cult Book seem legitimate.
It isn't legitimate and it never will be!
2016-12-21 11:11 pm
Yes. That is the answer to your question.

In fact, I just got done answering a question, as follows, that addresses some facts from history:

Check out my answer. Just basic stuff.

If there is anything about my answer (in the link) you did not know, then that is an indication that you need to educate yourself as to what the bible says. Lots of information is available.

--- (A Yahoo! User)
2016-12-21 11:05 pm
Most of the bible is true and accurate ! So, one that thinks like this is going the wrong direction,
2016-12-21 10:55 pm
Study. There are plenty of resources online and books you can read. There are plenty of historical facts and archaeological finds.....those will help.
2016-12-21 11:18 pm
Does archaeology support the Bible record?

An article published in Biblical Archaeology Review stated that
the existence of at least 50 individuals mentioned in the He-
brew Scriptures can now be confirmed by the findings of ar-

Among these are 14 kings of Judah and Israel, in-
cluding such well-known figures as David and Hezekiah, and
the lesser-known Menahem and Pekah.

The list also includes

5 Pharaohs and 19 kings of Assyria, Babylonia, Moab, Persia,
and Syria.

Monarchs are not the only ones to appear in both the
Biblical and archaeological record, however. So do lesser fig-
ures, such as high priests, a scribe, and other officials.

For all those individuals, there is a substantial amount of
scholarly agreement for a firm identification, states the article.

Of course, the Christian Greek Scriptures refer to many other
historical figures, and there is archaeological evidence to sup-
port a number of them as well such as Herod, Pontius Pilate,
Tiberius, Caiaphas, and Sergius Paulus. ˇ

An archaeological dig now in its 20th year has uncovered the entrance gate to Gath, the ancient Biblical city of the Philistines and onetime home of the giant Goliath.

Before the king of Damascus destroyed it in 830 BCE, Gath was the largest city in the land for hundreds of years, reports the Jerusalem Post.

The Bible refers to the massive city gate itself, in the story of David's escape from King Saul to the king of Gath.

In addition to the city gate, scientists have also unearthed an impressive fortification wall, several buildings that include a temple and iron production facility, and what the Post calls the earliest decipherable Philistine inscription ever found which contains two names similar to Goliath.

After finding a huge fortification, it’s clearly the most important city of the 10th and ninth centuries, says the archaeologist in charge of the dig,
2016-12-21 10:57 pm
No, there are none.

As an example, historians know the names of all of the kings of Israel, none were named David or Solomon. There is no record of a Pharaoh whose first born died as an infant and then he died shortly after. There is no evidence of a worldwide flood. There is no evidence of Solomon's temple.

All there are is stories by an unknown person.
2016-12-21 10:55 pm
Science has kinda prooved there was a flood in the middle eastern area. Possibly around about the time of Noah. But flood was very localized. And too the people that lived there it would feel like the end of the world. And quite possible they would think they were being punished from a supernatural power. But it was really the ice age that caused it. Scientists were very sketchy about this though. Science was trying to help religion in some way.

Also there could have been a star at the end of its life in the sky, it went supernova And lit up the galaxy.. Science thinks it could have been the time of jesus. Once again the people would have thought it was a superbeing that caused it. But now we know it was just a star dying
2016-12-21 11:30 pm
Yes there are.
2016-12-21 11:40 pm
Are there historical facts about the bible?
Yse. Contrary to what atheists say it is not a copy of ancient pagan religion. The flood was Global and there is evidence. And there is evidence of people that existed in the Bible outside of the Bible such as King Nebuchadnezzar. Look it up man. The world is obviously going to doubt it and attack it.
2016-12-21 11:02 pm
the story of the flood was espoused from a sumerian story called the epic of gilgamesh. the tales of the creation and temptation are also believed to be analogous to earlier mesopotamian legend. when nebuchadnezzar invaded jerusalem and captured the jews, it's believed that these foregoing tales were brought to light and then the jews were set free by cyrus the great who was believed to have been sent by god
2016-12-21 11:26 pm
There is no historical facts in the bible!
2016-12-21 11:18 pm
Are there historical facts about the bible?

- One or two.

I became Born Again years ago,

- Sorry about the head injury.

I've been struggling to see a lot of the bible to be historically true as of lately.

- Since most of it has been proven to be a fantasy, that makes sense.
2016-12-21 11:02 pm
Yeah... it's a historical fact that the Bible plagiarises a lot of stories from past religions.
2016-12-22 12:56 am
Yes, some. Much like the tale of Spiderman mentions cities like New York City, and NYC does indeed exist, it is historically accurate in that respect. Other than that, radioactive spider venom that mutates humans have not been historically documented.
2016-12-21 11:06 pm
No there are not. The majority of the bible is fables.
2016-12-21 11:09 pm
Most of the "facts" in the bible are coming from more ancient myths or are so twisted that they are not valid at all, like Moses leading is people from Egypt to Palestine -but Palestine did belong to Egypt those days- so it is ridiculous : 40 years of travel to stay in Egypt... Stuff like that... The problem is it was written by some people who did NOT know what were the historical facts at the date they chose to place their stories.
@Cathy : That is what I am telling : the bible did not say Palestine did belong to Egypt, historical documents about Ramses and kingdom of Egypt do. So the ones who wrote the bible did not knew that during this dynasty Palestine was a part of EGYPT and wrote some stupid things.
And about the 40 years it's Numbers 14.1-45. The story is cut in 3 periods of 40 years each.
2016-12-22 9:42 am
There are many, many books which have been written about how history and archaeological discoveries have confirmed the Bible. If you are truly interested, visit your local library. Seek and you will find.
2016-12-22 12:19 am
If you are really Born Again why don't you trust God's Word? Why are you not listening to the Holy Spirit.
2016-12-22 12:08 am
Even atheist archaeologists turn to the Bible to know where to dig.
2016-12-22 1:28 am
None whatsoever

and lets be clear
the bible makes lots of specific claims
the flood for example - covered the earth to a depth of 50 ft (so thats 50ft above mt everest) ALL OVER THE EARTH
Not one bit of evidence
Who cares if there were localised floods- they do NOT match the biblical claims for the flood

mary and joseph go to bethlehem for a census
WHAT census? Not one record of ANY census anywhere near the year jesus was supposedly born

jesus tried before pontius pilate - there is only 1 bit or evidence that pilate existed AT ALL(the name pilate is on a bit of stone carving))
No records whatsoever of any trial (even though pilate (the head roman in judea) was supposed to have presided
No records ot the result
No records of any crucifixion
2016-12-21 11:58 pm
The historical accuracy of the Bible is wanting. Yet another reason for me to not take the book as anything but fiction.
2016-12-21 11:40 pm
Some, but written by the winners. Kings and Maccabees spring to mind. But others are pure fiction. Daniel, for example, or the gospels and Acts. And the Bible contains genuine letters, such as those of Paul.

But it also contains laws, wisdom sayings, poetry, allegory (Exodus is an allegory of the Babylonian exile), and lots of mythology.

There isn't too much history in the Bible. Some of the claims like cities being founded by David turn out to have been founded 200 years later. And the earliest coins found in Jerusalem date to around 800 BC, which would suggest the David / Solomon saga is not historical.

Archeology doesn't help the bible accounts. For example, the Tel Dan Stele allegedly mentions the House of David, but the word "bytdwd" is not divided "byt dwd", so this is not a certainty. Even if it does mention a House of David, this doesn't prove that the biblical account of David is true.

The Mesha Stele is also proposed as proof of the bible, but again the two alleged references to David are dubious. The first is "dwd", which can mean David if you insert one set of spoken vowels, but if you insert a different set, it could mean something else. The second alleged "House of David" is "BT?WD", where the ? is an unknown character. So we don't know what it means.


This is how invented the OT is. In 1968, an 8th century BC Hebrew inscription was discovered in a cemetery west of Hebron, at the site of Khirbet el-Qôm. It gives the name of the deceased, and it says "blessed may he be by Yahweh and his Asherah."

Asherah is the name of the old Canaanite Mother Goddess, the consort of El, the principal deity of the Canaanite pantheon. The Israelite prophets and reformers denounced the Mother Goddess along with the other gods and goddesses of Canaan. If you look at 2 Kings 23, which describes the reforms of King Josiah in the late 7th century, he talks about purging the Temple of all the cult paraphernalia of Asherah.

In the 1970s, Israeli archeologists digging in Kuntillet Ajrud in the Sinai found a little desert fort of the same period, with "Yahweh and Asherah" all over the place in the Hebrew inscriptions.

Monotheism was a late development. Not until the Babylonian Exile and beyond does Israelite and Judean religion became monotheistic Judaism.

Edit: 3 people don't like history?
2016-12-22 3:52 am
Reasons to Trust the Bible; Historical Soundness
It would be hard to trust a book that is found to contain inaccuracies. Imagine reading a modern history book that dated the second world war to the 1800’s or that called the president of the United States a king. Would such inaccuracies not raise questions in your mind about the overall reliability of the book?

NO ONE has ever successfully challenged the historical accuracy of the Bible. It refers to real people and real events. Bible critics questioned the existence of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea who handed Jesus over to be impaled. (Matthew 27:1-26) Evidence that Pilate was once ruler of Judea is etched on a stone [1] discovered at the Mediterranean seaport city of Caesarea in 1961.Before 1993, there was no proof outside the Bible to support the historicity of David, the brave young shepherd who later became king of Israel. That year, however, archaeologists uncovered in northern Israel a basalt stone [2], dated to the ninth century B.C.E., that experts say bears the words “House of David” and “king of Israel.”

Events. Until recently, many scholars doubted the accuracy of the Bible’s account of the nation of Edom battling with Israel in the time of David. (2 Samuel 8:13, 14) Edom, they argued, was a simple pastoral society at the time and did not become sufficiently organized or have the might to threaten Israel until much later. However, recent excavations indicate that “Edom was a complex society centuries earlier [than previously thought], as reflected in the Bible,” states an article in the journal Biblical Archaeology Review.

Proper titles. There were many rulers on the world stage during the 16 centuries that the Bible was being written. When the Bible refers to a ruler, it always uses the proper title. For example, it correctly refers to Herod Antipas as “district ruler” and Gallio as “proconsul.” (Luke 3:1; Acts 18:12) Ezra 5:6 refers to Tattenai, the governor of the Persian province “beyond the River,” the Euphrates River. A coin produced in the fourth century B.C.E. contains a similar description, identifying the Persian governor Mazaeus as ruler of the province “Beyond the River.” Accuracy in seemingly minor details is no small matter. If we can trust the Bible writers in even small details, should that not bolster our confidence in the other things they wrote?
參考: Bible/
2016-12-21 11:15 pm
yes and no. every story in the bible was written at a minimum few hundred years after the actual events, thousands if you go back to old testament stories based off oral tradition. Just to give some examples, we have a good idea that Saddam and Gomorrah were actual cities, but we also know they were not destroyed over night and it had nothing to do with gay people pissing off god. We know there was a major flood which was not a world wide flood, there was no ark, but as the story got retold and retold, the flood got bigger and bigger, the Ark and Noah were added. I would say most events in the bible outside the creation story and the garden of eden are true, but detials are edited over time
2017-03-27 4:31 am
of course there are!

just like the harry potter novels contain historic facts and places -- they mention real cities in the uk (surrey and london) and the prime minister of england, and numerous, numerous other factual, historic places, people and things...

but none of that makes the hp stories real; their premises in magic are not real; the characters like dumbledore and and voldemort shall never be real; nor shall any of the other outrageous claims in the books ever become real...

it doesn't work that way...

cult believers need to stop trying to use crap like that to make their bronze-age cult book seem legitimate...
it isn't legitimate and it never shall be!
2017-03-13 6:58 pm
some, but written by the winners... kings and maccabees spring to mind... but others are pure fiction... daniel, for example, or the gospels and acts... and the bible contains genuine letters, such as those of paul...

but it also contains laws, wisdom sayings, poetry, allegory (exodus is an allegory of the babylonian exile), and lots of mythology...

there'sn't too much history in the bible... some of the claims like cities being founded by david turn out to have been founded 200 years later... and the earliest coins found in jerusalem date to around 800 bc, which would suggest the david / solomon saga is not historical...

archeology doesn't help the bible accounts... for example, the tel dan stele allegedly mentions the house of david, but the word "bytdwd" is not divided "byt dwd", so this is not a certainty... even if it does mention a house of david, this doesn't prove that the biblical account of david is true...

the mesha stele is also proposed as proof of the bible, but again the two alleged references to david are dubious... the first is "dwd", which can mean david if you insert one set of spoken vowels, but if you insert a different set, it could mean something else... the second alleged "house of david" is "bt?wd", where the ? is an unknown character... so we don't know what it means...


this is how invented the ot is... in 1968, an 8th century bc hebrew inscription was discovered in a cemetery west of hebron, at the site of khirbet el-qôm... it gives the name of the deceased, and it says "blessed may he be by yahweh and his asherah..."

asherah is the name of the old canaanite mother goddess, the consort of el, the principal deity of the canaanite pantheon... the israelite prophets and reformers denounced the mother goddess along with the other gods and goddesses of canaan... if you look at 2 kings 23, which describes the reforms of king josiah in the late 7th century, he talks about purging the temple of all the cult paraphernalia of asherah...

in the 1970s, israeli archeologists digging in kuntillet ajrud in the sinai found a little desert fort of the same period, with "yahweh and asherah" all over the place in the hebrew inscriptions...

monotheism was a late development... not until the babylonian exile and beyond does israelite and judean religion became monotheistic judaism...

edit: 3 people don't like history?
2016-12-25 12:13 am
THE word of GOD is binding and by no means pass away until it is finish.IT was prophecy-zed many years the birth of JESUS and what HE would accomplish,IT would be impossible for any man to predict something that would take place 200 years into the future,JESUS fulfilled 60 of them a task that is totally impossible but the BIBLE said it would be so.THE BIBLE has predict many things that will come to pass many has,is and will even to this day but many do not accept the truth and will not until it is too late.JESUS proclaimed heaven and earth will pass away but MY words will not pass away until all is finish.THE BIBLE are sound doctrine and will by no means mocked.
2016-12-23 6:48 pm
Yes the fact of lies.
2016-12-23 12:52 am
the historical accuracy of the bible is wanting... yet another reason for me to not take the book as anything but fiction...
2016-12-22 6:58 pm
The scientific community has been atheistic in nature for hundreds of years. They do their best to denounce God and his Bible at every turn. Ron Wyatt went to Israel to prove some of the Old Testament stories were indeed fact. The Scientific community has done much to discredit Ron because it does not fit their atheistic narrative.
參考: Youtube videos on Ron Wyatt
2016-12-22 4:11 pm
born again ... this means ... repentant , regenerated, renewed . Are you ?
IF you are born again as per this definition, no way will you not be able to u/stand scripture.

your words suggest that DOUBTS are overtaking your mind and your faith is crumbling.
this tells me that your born again refers to tongue speaking ... not impressive.
the real born again christian is a REPENTANT sinner. Fact.

if you use reliable bible versions eg. kjv, niv, etc ... these are good bibles.
but yr problem is not the bible version you use.
rather, it is DOUBTS in your MIND implanted by satan ... an open door to hell.

an illiterate christian like my mother, who worships Yeshua KNOWS He is for REAL.
she has now gone back to the Lord.
now, i wonder, why educated folks cannot believe like her ...
i, as a christian myself, started w a seed of faith ... then went on to grow in faith thru studying scripture.
also, God communicates w every christian ... so even the illiterates ... know Him.

you have no excuse ...
2016-12-21 11:57 pm
Yes there is.....there is also prophecy that can be researched
AN EXAMPLE: In the sixth century B.C.E., the prophet Daniel saw a vision that foretold the rapid defeat of Medo-Persia by Greece. It also foretold that as soon as the victorious king of Greece “became mighty,” his kingship would be “broken.” Who would replace him? Daniel wrote: “There are four kingdoms from his nation that will stand up, but not with his power.”—Daniel 8:5-8, 20-22.

WHAT HISTORIANS SAY: Over 200 years after Daniel’s time, Alexander the Great became king of Greece. Within ten years, Alexander defeated the Medo-Persian Empire and extended Grecian rule as far as the Indus River (in modern-day Pakistan). But he died suddenly at the age of 32. Finally, a battle near Ipsus in Asia Minor effectively dissolved his empire. The four victors of that battle eventually divided the Grecian Empire among themselves. However, none of them attained Alexander’s degree of power.
2016-12-22 6:59 am
Other possible evidence of a drastic change: Remains of mammoths and rhinoceroses have been found in different parts of the earth. Some of these were found in Siberian cliffs; others were preserved in Siberian and Alaskan ice. (PICTURE, Vol. 1, p. 328) In fact, some were found with food undigested in their stomachs or still unchewed in their teeth, indicating that they died suddenly. It is estimated, from the trade in ivory tusks, that bones of tens of thousands of such mammoths have been found. The fossil remains of many other animals, such as lions, tigers, bears, and elk, have been found in common strata, which may indicate that all of these were destroyed simultaneously. Some have pointed to such finds as definite physical proof of a rapid change in climate and sudden destruction caused by a universal flood. Others, however, favor explanations for the death of these animals that do not involve an earth-wide catastrophe. Proof that the Flood occurred is not dependent on such fossils and frozen animal remains. For more information go
2016-12-22 4:16 am
First, before we can have confidence (faith) in the "history" included in the Bible, let's establish its accuracy, authenticity and authority.

If the Bible is interpreted using Aristotle's laws of non-contradiction, absent some known transcription or translation errors there are no sustainable contradictions. Even those few discrepancies that are related to transcription or translation errors are inconsequential to the base message of the texts. This is confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls; objectively confirmed and verified empirical evidence.

Law of Non-Contradiction
If one statement absolutely contradicts another statement, without qualification, at least one of those statements cannot be true.

But in order for one statement to absolutely contradict another, there must be no sense in which the statements can both be true. If there is a possible logical explanation, it is not a real contradiction.

Aristotle’s Dictum:
“The benefit of the doubt is to be given to the document and not to the critic.”

Irenaeus, student of Polycarp (student of John):
“So firm is the ground upon which these Gospels rest, that the very heretics themselves bear witness to them, and starting from these documents, each one of them endeavors to establish his own particular doctrine.”

C. Archaeology as External Evidence
He went to study in the Bible lands as a liberal; fifteen years later he became a firm believer in a reliable New Testament.

Ramsay said that Luke was unsurpassed as an historian. For example, when Luke made reference to 32 countries, 54 cities, and 9 islands, he made no mistakes.

The place where Jesus was tried before Pilate.
Once considered a myth because there was no record of it in Jewish or secular maps or history.

It was finally found.
When Titus destroyed Jerusalem, he built barracks there. When these were abandoned and had crumbled, other buildings were built on top. Archaeologists had dug down to the barracks, but no further until recently. When they did go underneath, they found the pavement.

The pagan Roman historian Tacitus makes mention of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ at the hand of Pontius Pilate in Book XV, Chapter 44 of his Annals

Mentioned in John 5, as the place Jesus healed an invalid.
No record in Jewish or secular maps or histories; therefore considered a myth.
In 1888, it was found while archaeologists were digging around the Church of St. Anne.

Also, Nelson Glueck a Jewish scientist, and universally esteemed as one of the greatest archaeologists, said that no archaeological discovery has ever contradicted the Bible.

Many atheists and humanists oppose biblical Christianity, but science does not; fact is there is no empirically supported scientific claim that in any way is in conflict with Christianity. The same cannot be said for evolution, abiogenesis, or Big Bang.

The Bible is not a science book, but I'm not aware of ANY instance, where the Bible DOES touch on science, that it has been proven incorrect. How can anyone DENY the evidence of the Bible and the scoreboard, when science corrects itself (proven incorrect?) almost daily?

Many parts of Genesis can be verified for historical accuracy and detail. In Genesis Chapter 10 is the Table of Nations. Each nation mentioned in the table can be traced down to a modern-day country, and is considered to be one of the most accurate records of the ancient world.

The evidence related to Genesis 14 and Sodom and Gomorrah is also confirmed by the clay tablets discovered in 1964 at the city of Ebla.

Noah's grandson Kush is specifically named as a post flood king in the Sumerian Kings list, giving additional "corroboration" by science of the accuracy, authenticity, and authority of the truth of the Bible.

The story of the Walls of Jericho has been verified by three different international teams over several decades. Every detail from the biblical story that could be verified from such a dig has been affirmed. All of the walls were down except the North wall, probably where Rahab lived.

Accurate, detailed, verifiable truth with empirical scientific evidence, testable, repeatable, confirmed and verified evidence. Jericho is the end result of the Exodus, for which there had been no evidence before and thought to be a myth.

The Dead Sea Scrolls verify the historicity and accuracy and authenticity of the Bible over millennia.

These are facts of evidence of the authority and accuracy of biblical history; unassailable, ubiquitous.

We have confirmed facts in evidence of the plagues of Egypt, Hebrew slaves in Egypt, even the very size and valid description with great detail of the Ark, It becomes impossible to deny the evidence in verifiable truth of the Bible without abandoning all notions of intellectual honesty and becoming delusional.

Of the parts that address history, I'm puzzled at which parts of the Bible are considered NOT "historical facts". Or refute even one of these historical facts with your own evidence.

A "story" becomes evidence when confirmed, corroborated, and objectifying the inferences being made and validating everything with secondary lines of evidence means the burden has been met.

The evidences for Creation and the origin of matter and the origin of life and Noah's Flood are abundant and overwhelming also.

Alternatively, name one observable, testable, repeatable example of a species changing into a completely different species (i.e. Evolution), or of life from non-life (Abiogenesis).
2016-12-22 12:14 am
2016-12-22 12:12 am
Garden of Eden - no archaeological evidence
The Flood - no geological evidence
Jonah and the whale (fish) - too silly
Resurrection - no contemory accounts
Nativity - Roman records prove there was no census
Life of Jesus - no contemory account
Exodus - no archaeological evidence
2016-12-21 11:17 pm
The Pentateuch is not history; it is theology. Moses drew from much older sources to illustrate the theology of his times: the Yahwist, the Priestly, the Elohist, and the Deuteronomist.
Get a copy of "Reading the Old Testament" by Boadt and it will explain it.
The Diaspora is real. The battles are likely real. Psalm 43 is the prayer of a man in exile. Psalm 137 refers to the years of exile in Babylon during the Babylonia Captivity.
2016-12-21 11:11 pm
Inevitably, there are many more than is supposed.
However, the bible contains symbols and stories written in-and-as parables.

Just as `Jezebel` in Revelations refers to Rome, and `the beast` refers to Nero,
the `jesus christ` character of the bible represents the `passive` rebellion against authority
and the hatred of abusive laws & malicious rule, which was taking place twenty centuries ago.

It very poetically and symbolically describes that part of history, quite well.

This passive and ineffective movement was finally quashed after 33 years, and it was
symbolically `crucified` in the bible’s pages when the first bible was completed, nearly 300 years later.

If you read the Bible as an Historical document, and take the time to understand
how it tells stories by using ‘other’ stories (parables) to do so, you will finally understand its worth.

It does not take being "born again" to do so.
2016-12-21 11:17 pm
The first parts of Genesis, from the tale of Creation through the tales of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Tower of Babel, the Great Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Wars of the Kings in which Abraham was involved -- are all based on earlier Sumerian records.

The origin of the Biblical seven days of creation is almost certainly the seven tablets on which the Enuma Elish was written. This is evident from the contrast between the first six Babylonian tablets describing Marduk’s acts of creation and the seventh tablet which is dedicated to a general exaltation of the god (and thus a parallel to the biblical seventh day when god rested).

During the last one hundred years, tens of thousands of clay tablets have been excavated in ancient Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq) dating back to 6,000 years ago. Archaeological and linguistic studies trace the origin of the Elohim concept to a Babylonian epic text known as the Enuma Elish, which deals with the creation of the heavens and Earth by a Babylonian God named Marduk. There is amazing similarity between Genesis and the Enuma Elish except that one credits the creation of heavens and Earth to God, whilst the other credits it to Marduk. The Hebrew exiled in Babylon, were influenced by the Enuma Elish, which had been the most sacred Babylonian ritual text for over a thousand years.”

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