how to know (for sex) if a guy likes hairy vg or shaved?

2016-12-21 1:20 pm

回答 (16)

2016-12-21 2:05 pm
A matter of personal preference for both.
2016-12-23 10:58 am
ask him? atleast trim it if ur keeping it hairy most like shaved tho
2016-12-22 11:42 pm
If you are going with a guy and you feel like having sex for the first time with each other he isn't going to care if you are shaved or hairy. All he wants is to get in it. Or you could ask him before you have sex if he likes it shaved or hairy.
2016-12-22 5:29 am
It's none of the guy's business if you shave it, or if you don't. Most MEN don't care; one way or the other. A "litte boy" might.
2016-12-22 5:08 am
If he hasn't said anything you have to ask. For me I like to eat it so it has to be smoothly shaven!
2016-12-22 1:27 am
if your too scared to ask him, trim downstairs and see his reaction. say you can always shave it all off, or grow the hair back. Depends on the guy. some guys like hairless, and some like it to be 'natural' and some like it just trimmed. if your not too scared, ask him. if you's are together, it shouldn't really be a weird/ awkward question.
2016-12-22 12:37 am
Ask him beforehand. Tell him what you like and see if you match.
2016-12-22 12:06 am
well if you like to get oral and face sit def shave if you like it from behind shave it, if you are not looking for total shave then trim short..
2016-12-21 10:01 pm
Some guys like shaved girls because that's what they see on adult sites but it's all good as long as you get some.
2016-12-21 2:11 pm
Ask him.
2016-12-21 1:35 pm
Ask him, he will tell you.
2016-12-21 1:32 pm
If you're too timid to ask him, trim but trim a bit more than you would normally and see what his reaction may be.
2016-12-21 1:24 pm
It doesn't really matter for me.
2016-12-21 1:21 pm
Just ask him.
All guys are different on this.
2016-12-21 1:20 pm
You ask him.
2016-12-22 5:37 pm
Why concern yourself with what men will think? Women are suppose to have hair down there. If men can't handle it too bad! Any man who whines about women being in their natural state this way isn't a real man, but a wimp f*^king panzy prude who likely needs everything in life to be sugar coated for him.

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