Flordia or California?

2016-12-21 11:29 am
I live in Ohio and I want out of here so bad I hate it here. It's so boring and nothing to do here. I absolutely love the Ocean and palm trees I love it all. I am thinking in between Florida or California. Which should I move to?

回答 (8)

2016-12-23 7:49 am
If you're a Republican, go to Florida. If you're a Democrat, go to California. If you're white, go to Florida. If you're an ethnic minority, go to California. If you're straight go to Florida. If you're gay, go to California.
2016-12-21 12:17 pm
It depends upon what part of California you are talking about and what part of Florida you are talking about. Both states have LOTS of variety in terms of cost of living, access to the ocean, culture, size of towns and cities, etc. etc. etc. Living in Los Angeles is very different than living in Trona (a tiny town west of Death Valley) or Boulder Creek (in the mountains south of San Francisco. Living in Miami is very different than living in Key Largo (further south) or Pensacola (in the panhandle). Sure, all of Florida is hot and humid in the summer, but other than that the state really varies. And, of course, California is hot and dry in some places, humid in others, very cold in others (like in the mountains. . . remember the highest mountain in the continental United States, Mount Whitney, is in California). And both California and Florida have urban areas, small towns, farming communities, and wilderness.

Even if you stick to just areas in both states that have palm trees and ocean, there is still a lot of variety. What I suggest you do is some vacationing! Go to Florida and drive around. See which areas appeal to you. Then go to California, drive around, and see which areas appeal to you. Don't forget to look at the job situation (if you can find work, you can't live there, right), the cost of living, and whatever you feel is necessary to lead an enjoyable life.

People can give you pointers, but none of us know you. The person who knows you best is YOU. So, I suggest you take a vacation in each state and figure out for yourself which is more suitable.

Good luck to you!
2016-12-22 4:24 am
South Florida costs a lot less to live in than southern California.
2016-12-21 8:53 pm
Florida has fewer and lower taxes, a much lower cost of living, better traffic so head South not West.
2016-12-21 11:30 am
Florida defintly California has stupid strict emissions and gun laws which I guess if you don't like guns or cars doesent matter but those matter a lot to me
2016-12-22 1:19 am
It depends on what you're looking for beyond palm trees and sunshine.
2016-12-21 11:31 am
Depends on how much you prefer heat and humidity.
2016-12-21 11:30 am
cali. florida is the dumpster of america

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