Are eggs a fruit?

2016-12-21 9:15 am

回答 (219)

2016-12-22 11:30 am
I got the seeds if you want to plant a few trees and save the planet also chocolate seeds and sausage and bangers and mash seeds but pizza ones are new the fruits are all boxed and air tight so last longer we don't any waste so when you buy messages don't always look at the price but often some products are seasonal therefore cheaper at some times of the year Also phone you uncle buck and tell him what made him stay at high Chapparel would he not be a.lot happier staying with his own family instead listening to John surely uncle buck's wife must have been better company than dirty black coffee and beans and getting saddle sores.
Come to think of it do we really need chickens or any feathery birds just use the eggs man and buy an incubator and wait 21 days then get some thin water ed down blond or red any colour powered paint and dip the chicks in them (use powdered water if you can mix it with some form of lubricant) and buy a pen for them with big wall like the Mexican wall
2016-12-23 2:36 am
How can an egg be a fruit?may be when pigs fly
2016-12-21 11:07 am
No, but Donald Trump sure is, a stinky fruit, lol. God Save America.
2016-12-24 2:37 pm
Hi Ruth! I cannot believe that you actually asked such a question! Do you know that eggs come from chickens? The latter are birds and anything that comes from them simply cannot be considered as fruits! You will find more details here: Hope to have provided an answer, and remember that both eggs and fruits are to be consumed as part of a balanced diet!
2016-12-21 9:23 am
Only the ones that grow on trees and bushes.
2016-12-23 2:36 pm
I'm guessing this is just for some humor?
Eggs come from a chicken. I really do not think that a chicken is a fruit...
參考: Chickens are not fruits, so how could their eggs be?
2016-12-22 10:46 pm
Would you like to plant a chicken? maybe then an egg can be classified as a fruit. lol
2016-12-22 2:26 am
yes they are favorite fruit
2016-12-21 10:48 am
Of course and avocados come from Condors.
2016-12-21 9:40 am
Yes they are, cause you want them to be.
2016-12-22 4:07 pm
No they are not.

Fruit is a seed bearing structure of a flowering plant. Hence tomato is a fruit - it comes from a flower plant, it bears seeds...

Egg is an animal product - the ova or ovum of poultry usually (chicken, duck etc)
2016-12-26 10:20 am

2016-12-25 10:00 am
no they are not
2016-12-25 4:51 am
Fruit are structures of a flowering plant, and an egg comes from a chicken for instance.
2016-12-24 4:05 am
yes i always like to shove them up my ***
2016-12-23 1:20 pm
There may be something wrong with you if you think eggs are fruit.
2016-12-23 11:49 am
Not at all
參考: I have a brain
2016-12-23 7:13 am
they come from chicken butt, so no
2016-12-23 6:58 am
Aren't you aware that chickens poop out eggs? Since when is poop fruit?
2016-12-23 3:49 am
Of course ! Dont U see all the Easter eggs hanging from trees every spring ?
2016-12-23 3:46 am
Yeah. I have an egg tree in my backyard.
2016-12-23 3:07 am
No. Eggs fall in the poultry family since they come from birds (chicken, ducks, etc...) which are also poultry. Fruits are a type of produce that is often sweet and has seeds inside.
2016-12-23 12:38 am
Eggs are a mammal.
2016-12-22 10:53 pm
They are fruit of the womb
參考: Eggs are in my womb now! Eat Up!
2016-12-22 10:29 pm
Egg is to fruit as a block of wood is to your brain.
2016-12-22 7:49 pm
Only if they are from an egg plant.
2016-12-22 7:26 pm
No, the poultry egg is animal
2016-12-22 5:37 pm
2016-12-22 1:20 pm
I think of tomatoes as a vegetable, but people these days say it is a fruit now days, I think!? A egg is a vegetarian not vegan meal, but is still classified as not meat! I don't think it will ever be classified as fruit?
2016-12-22 11:38 am
it is a food
2016-12-22 11:06 am
no eggs are not fruit but some varieties of egg plant are. They are grown as peppers you can also grow ornamental egg plants
2016-12-22 8:51 am
no but you clearly are......:)
2016-12-22 6:51 am
2016-12-22 5:24 am
I'm finding it difficult to believe that this question is a serious one !!!
2016-12-21 10:19 pm
According to the bible they are!
參考: 📑
2016-12-21 7:46 pm
yup..often called a cackle berry.
they can be found in their native habitat laying in rounded cushioned spots where ever chickens live...for some odd reason, chickens often sit on them for a while.
2016-12-21 7:09 pm
Mmmmmm eggplant
2016-12-22 7:18 am
You are an idiot.
2016-12-22 9:19 am
Fruits and Vegetables are classified as a plant. An egg is not classified as a plant so is therefore not a fruit.

Definition of fruit -
The sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food.

Definition of Egg -
an oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate, usually containing a developing embryo. The eggs of birds are enclosed in a chalky shell, while those of reptiles are in a leathery membrane.

1. Eggs do not contain seeds
2. Eggs are not a plant

Hopefully this answered your question :) Have a good day!
2016-12-21 11:31 pm
No it's a unfertilised foetus
2016-12-21 2:53 pm
Are you kidding me ? It's a hen's period.
2016-12-22 3:59 am
It is a universal truth that the eggs is not a fruit. So why the thinking comes from.
2016-12-21 2:26 pm
Neither it is the unborn embryo of a chicken. Fruit is defined as- The ripened ovary or ovaries of a seed-bearing plant, together with accessory parts, containing the seeds and occurring in a wide variety of forms. ... Both fruits and vegetables are part of the plant classes, a egg is not.
2017-03-09 12:39 am
how a egg can be fruit? fruit comes from tree and egg comes from
2017-01-26 2:22 pm
would you like to plant a chicken? maybe then an egg can be classified as a fruit......... lol
2017-01-22 10:04 pm
how can an egg be a fruit?may be when pigs fly
2017-01-15 5:40 pm
no... eggs fall in the poultry family since they come from birds (chicken, ducks, etc.........) which are also poultry... fruits are a type of produce that is often sweet and has seeds inside...
2017-01-09 5:38 am
how a egg can be fruit? fruit comes from tree and egg comes from
2017-01-07 3:58 am
no... eggs fall in the poultry family since they come from birds (chicken, ducks, etc.........) which are also poultry... fruits are a type of produce that is often sweet and has seeds inside...
2017-01-06 4:04 pm
how a egg can be fruits?i think it's food not fruit...
2017-01-01 1:32 pm
how a egg can be fruit? fruit comes from tree and egg comes from
2016-12-31 4:51 pm
would you like to plant a chicken? maybe then an egg can be classified as a fruit... lol
2016-12-30 1:35 am
no eggs are not fruits
2016-12-28 4:18 am
No, of course not
2016-12-27 7:39 pm
would you like to plant a chicken? maybe then an egg can be classified as a fruit... lol
2016-12-27 7:59 am
參考: if you took this seriously, shame on you
2016-12-27 5:40 am
NO. Mike
參考: Logical
2016-12-27 4:06 am
No I don't think so its only egg hens egg.
2016-12-26 7:58 pm
2016-12-26 4:25 pm
2016-12-26 2:22 pm
would you like to plant a chicken? maybe then an egg can be classified as a fruit... lol
2016-12-26 12:28 pm
Eggs !! No!!
2016-12-26 11:31 am
no it is protein
2016-12-26 9:23 am
2016-12-26 9:04 am
Is your brain an egg?
2016-12-26 8:50 am
They can be whatever you want them to be really
2016-12-26 7:05 am
No silly eggs are not a fruit. They come from chickens.
2016-12-26 2:42 am
2016-12-26 1:53 am
Yes, yes they are.
2016-12-26 12:07 am
2016-12-25 10:13 pm
2016-12-25 8:21 pm
2016-12-25 8:10 pm
no never
2016-12-25 7:37 pm
2016-12-25 6:47 pm
2016-12-25 12:35 pm
The fact that some people are taking this seriously 😂😂😂
2016-12-25 12:22 pm
Not last I checked. I think they're considered dairy just to classify them in a category.
2016-12-25 10:44 am
2016-12-25 5:33 am
nonono! Eggs are vegetables.
2016-12-25 3:56 am
No eggs are protein and fat.
2016-12-25 3:40 am
2016-12-25 3:35 am
Eggs are a PROTEIN, so, they are in the MEAT group.
2016-12-25 3:30 am
No they're a vegetable dumbasss.. learn the difference gawww
2016-12-25 2:55 am
2016-12-25 2:42 am
If you mean the unfertilized chicken eggs you buy in the grocery store, they are chicken periods.
2016-12-25 1:19 am
2016-12-25 1:06 am
2016-12-24 11:23 pm
Yep,it comes from the chicken plant
2016-12-24 8:38 pm
Yes it is
2016-12-24 8:27 pm
Is chicken a fruit? No, so the eggs are not either
2016-12-24 8:08 pm
i just dont know what to say.
r u dump or mad?
2016-12-24 8:01 pm
We do not get Eggs from Egg plant ha ha ha
2016-12-24 6:40 pm
egg is like a food... not fruit...but find the definition of fruits
2016-12-24 5:16 pm
1,702 people have killed themselves because of this post
2016-12-24 4:04 pm
No, it's a vegetable
2016-12-24 2:11 pm
Yes, obviously...
2016-12-24 1:52 pm
Seems the stupid inhabit every corner of yahoo answers.
2016-12-24 12:49 pm
2016-12-24 12:40 pm
Hahahaha lol
2016-12-24 11:49 am
Well, considering chicken is a type of fruit tree then I think so
2016-12-24 10:57 am
eggs are of the " eggs nuts meat and poultry group "
2016-12-24 5:48 am
we have garden eggs.
2016-12-24 5:28 am
since they are mad from an animal I'd say no they're not,good question though
2016-12-24 4:22 am
Don't you dare suggest this to Rev. Franklin Graham!
2016-12-24 3:40 am
2016-12-24 2:16 am
they can be if you drinking ethynol
2016-12-24 1:57 am
how do you classify an egg......good damn question Ive never looked at an egg as a fruit or a veggie is it "poultry" good damn question what food group is the egg in
2016-12-24 1:50 am
2016-12-24 1:44 am
2016-12-24 1:43 am
Of course not.
2016-12-24 1:18 am
No I don't think so
2016-12-24 1:04 am
2016-12-23 11:17 pm
no eggs are eggs
2016-12-23 10:27 pm
2016-12-23 9:53 pm
No! Its a dairy product.
2016-12-23 9:06 pm
They come from Chickens not trees or plants
2016-12-23 8:39 pm
2016-12-23 8:12 pm
I weep for our education system.
2016-12-23 7:56 pm
2016-12-23 7:35 pm
Nah, they're clearly a vegetable, just like steak.
2016-12-23 6:56 pm
nope... eggs are eggs and fruits are fruits...
2016-12-23 6:38 pm
Yes, since they grow from a seed they are classified as a fruit.
2016-12-23 6:22 pm
Lol, what!?
2016-12-23 5:42 pm
2016-12-23 3:54 pm
They are not fruits or vegetables. They are animal products.
2016-12-23 3:45 pm
Yes. Vote me best answer.
2016-12-23 3:24 pm
No sir
2016-12-23 2:58 pm
2016-12-23 2:55 pm
2016-12-23 2:06 pm
No. Eggs are not fruit.

Eggs are in the protein food group along with meat and poultry.
2016-12-23 11:52 am
No. They come from animals.
2016-12-23 11:40 am
Are you a fruitloop? Or are you just really idiotic
2016-12-23 11:32 am
No, fruits contain seeds.
2016-12-23 11:19 am
Yes, so do you want to buy some land I have at the sun?
2016-12-23 11:16 am
Yes, and watermelon are dinosaur eggs.
2016-12-23 11:02 am
No just tomatoes
2016-12-23 9:56 am
2016-12-23 9:51 am
2016-12-23 8:54 am
No but whomever asked that question is!
2016-12-23 8:49 am
why not
2016-12-23 8:40 am
No. Although in a body seed and body ovum sense, their the fruits of life and existence in which we all come from through reproduction.
2016-12-23 8:13 am
definitely a vegetable. 😛👌🏼💯
2016-12-23 8:06 am
are u stupid
2016-12-23 7:29 am
2016-12-23 7:01 am
2016-12-23 6:54 am
eggplant is a vegetable
2016-12-23 6:42 am
No they are not
2016-12-23 6:01 am
2016-12-23 5:41 am
egg is a protein
2016-12-23 4:59 am
2016-12-23 3:47 am
2016-12-23 3:28 am
Poultry, moron.
2016-12-23 3:27 am
Sure anythings possible
2016-12-23 2:35 am
2016-12-23 2:34 am
Yes, they grow on egg trees that look like chickens.
2016-12-23 2:12 am
Sure, why not and they grow in the desert under a cactus and watered with lizard pee. Eggs are protein.
2016-12-23 2:06 am
2016-12-23 2:01 am
how a egg can be fruit? fruit comes from tree and egg comes from
2016-12-23 1:53 am
2016-12-23 1:36 am
Are you retarded
2016-12-23 1:33 am
Yes. Definitely
2016-12-23 12:55 am
Yes , I have an egg tree in my backyard.
2016-12-23 12:53 am
If you believe they are, then they will be a fruit. Per Jesus
2016-12-23 12:50 am
Corn is often thought of as a vegetable, but is a grain.
2016-12-23 12:45 am
2016-12-23 12:05 am
2016-12-22 11:25 pm
No, they're not.
2016-12-22 11:18 pm
Of course not
2016-12-22 10:59 pm
2016-12-22 10:16 pm
2016-12-22 9:59 pm
this why attending school and learning instead of goofing off and just warming a classroom seat.
2016-12-22 9:58 pm
yes you got me under my knees yes
2016-12-22 9:48 pm
Are you serious.?
2016-12-22 9:37 pm
No eggs are not fruits
2016-12-22 9:07 pm
Yes they come from the chicken tree
2016-12-22 9:03 pm
No, eggs are not fruit. Since they do not grow from a plant, nor do they contain seeds.
2016-12-22 8:53 pm
Nope. Eggs are eggs and fruits are fruits.
2016-12-22 8:42 pm
Yeah they come from the chicken tree. Very rare
2016-12-22 8:29 pm
no they are not
2016-12-22 7:18 pm
No, They are not.
2016-12-22 7:14 pm
no they are a protein.
2016-12-22 7:14 pm
2016-12-22 6:04 pm
No. Thats just daft
2016-12-22 5:48 pm
2016-12-22 5:30 pm
no its not
2016-12-22 4:37 pm
They are probably vegetables. I plants eggs around my house all the time.
2016-12-22 2:22 pm
yes they come from the chicken tree. it grows in south africa which is probably why you didnt know this
2016-12-22 2:20 pm
2016-12-22 2:10 pm
2016-12-22 1:59 pm
Mahabub is right
2016-12-22 11:57 am
Yes. Yes, they are.
2016-12-22 11:15 am
2016-12-22 10:36 am
i hope not, otherwise i've believed false information my whole life
2016-12-22 9:55 am
Obviously not
2016-12-22 9:11 am
No, fruit has seeds in it.
2016-12-22 9:07 am
a stupid question
2016-12-22 8:07 am
2016-12-22 7:34 am
2016-12-22 7:32 am
2016-12-22 6:34 am
i'm finding it difficult to believe that this question is a serious one !!!
2016-12-22 6:22 am
Does it grow on a tree or above ground?
2016-12-22 1:01 am
Some of these questions...I just have to laugh.
2016-12-21 11:58 pm
2016-12-21 4:16 pm
what is this tho c':
2016-12-21 3:09 pm
2016-12-21 11:49 am
yes, they are kackleberries
2016-12-23 11:54 am
ONLY to Vegans and PETA.
2016-12-22 6:23 pm
If chicken is a vegetable than eggs can be consider as a fruit...
2016-12-22 7:50 am
No. They are cholesterol in a shell
2016-12-22 7:19 am
2016-12-22 1:49 am
2016-12-21 4:42 pm
2016-12-23 2:43 am
How a egg can be fruits?I think it's food not fruit.
2016-12-22 4:55 am
No, they is that the gamete of a bird. Fruit forever come back from plants. they're not embryonic birds either, as those sold as food ar sterilized.
2016-12-22 1:24 am
they are vegetables you stupid
2016-12-21 10:03 am
2016-12-21 9:26 am
2016-12-21 10:31 pm
No, Ruth. However, some folk do call eggs "hen fruit."
2016-12-21 5:10 pm
No, they is the ovum of a bird. Fruit always come from plants. They are not embryonic birds either, as those sold as food are infertile.
2016-12-21 9:22 am

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