Are you happy with trump?

2016-12-21 2:13 am

回答 (12)

2016-12-21 2:50 am
Ew no
2016-12-21 3:03 am
Of course not, but then again, I'm not defective.
2016-12-21 2:24 am
Well, he did make a bunch of sissies cry like a little girl with a skinned knee on election night. And I imagine they'll REALLY start to cry when he nominates Sarah Palin to the Supreme court and they realize Harry Reid removed the filibuster so Hillbagg could make her picks unopposed.

So far so good. Once his digital avatar is uploaded to every digital device on the planet he'll be able to berate LOSERS 24/7 and they'll have to pay for the privdlege or go without their digital heroin.
2016-12-21 2:23 am
Nope, maybe its because I am not your average uneducated white male.
2016-12-21 2:16 am
Look at how butt hurt all the libshits here are, I couldn't be happier.
2016-12-21 2:13 am
2016-12-21 9:08 am
I'm happy a Republican with at least some understanding of economics and an understanding that foreign policy has more than two choices; appeasement or war, is in office. We'll see if Trump is the right guy for this. He's a loose cannon. I hope he's just aimed in the right direction.
2016-12-21 2:33 am
I'm still in wait and see mode. I want to give him a chance to actually do things before I decide.
2016-12-21 2:19 am
I'm happy with many of his cabinet picks; but that's about all he's done so far.
2016-12-21 2:15 am
Yes, very.
2016-12-21 5:06 am
I am thrilled. He is a take-charge guy and likes to shake up the status quo, talk directly to the people via Twitter, break some rules, I love it !
2016-12-21 2:21 am
No I think all politicians should be shot on sight!

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