在學校時 要怎麼跟曖昧對象聊天?

2016-12-20 6:06 pm
我本身比較內向 所以我在學校看到她我都會稍微緊張
但是跟他出去時 都不會有這問題
反而在學校時 都不知道要跟他說甚麼
因為有時都會主動來我們班下面 但是我想主動一點下去跟他講話
不知道要說什麼話 我該怎麼辦

回答 (2)

2016-12-22 12:22 am
2016-12-21 11:01 am

2016-12-21 1:37 am
2016-12-20 7:23 pm
you should try to open your heart/mind(?)first ,
then , you may ask him/her some question like :''What your hobbies?What do you like?'':) but don't ask too much , otherwise he/she will feel annoyed:)
After that , if he.she asked:how about you? ...or he.she don't asked you , you still can talk with him/her .
You can also tell what your hobbies or talking other things with her/him .
You can through your talkinf to know each other and express yourself~~!!:))Please just be brave~~!!:)))There's nothing to scared if you want to do:))I hope i can help you;)))Add oil~~!!!Good Luck~~!!!!:)))Merry christmas~~~!!!!:)))))(This is just for reference , ok?!:)) )Thank you~~!!^^
參考: By myself and what i think:)))

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