Will DONALD J. TRUMP improve the United States?

2016-12-20 3:30 pm

回答 (13)

2016-12-20 3:35 pm
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Heh, just try protesting on the lobby of Trump Tower, they throw you out. I a afraid America has elected a DICTATOR. Time will tell but it may be too late when we awaken.
Hitler made Victory Tours
Mussolini Made the Trains run on time
Juan Peron of Argentina promised economic development for the working class
General Francisco Franco of Spain was a Christian.

LIke Trump all of them hated a free press.

Not much difference between them and what we have now.

BTW, Proud American is a Trump Thug. Look at his skull. Do you want a serial killer running the country>!
2016-12-20 3:31 pm
depends on what you think constitutes an improvement
2016-12-21 1:47 am
China has already come out and called him an ignorant child.

So if that's his way of improving the United States, then Heaven help us all.
2016-12-20 3:42 pm
Yes I think so, but that remains to be seen.
2016-12-20 3:32 pm
Yes. By 1000%.
2016-12-20 3:31 pm
He has already.
2016-12-20 7:24 pm
yes, just *** much as George W. Bush did
2016-12-20 5:07 pm
2016-12-20 3:45 pm
No he is republican so take a photo of the USA now and watch in go down while him and his boys raid the country of wealth. he will do like all republcans do.
2016-12-20 3:42 pm
That depends on whether you are a White Supremacist or not.
2016-12-20 3:41 pm
Perhaps, altho it would probably be unviewable since the US is too big
2016-12-20 3:39 pm
I am pretty sure he will just get out of the way.

I think Trump knows, we did build this.
2016-12-20 3:38 pm
He will definitely put the creators of the failed system, out of business --- the elites, establishment interests, liberal race card addicts, illegals, etc etc

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