How does someone remove a watch link if the link where the pin has to be reinserted in has no hole?

2016-12-20 1:11 pm

回答 (2)

2016-12-22 11:27 am
One takes such things to an experienced technician to have the work done.
2016-12-20 2:34 pm
Instructions usually come with the watch or wristband. Where there is no hole in the ends of the links it sometimes requires a very thin "shim" tool to be used between the links to pop the spring loaded bar - but as I said every design can be different. If it's a decent watch then it's probably cheaper to have a high street battery replacement kiosk make the alteration than to buy the kit to do it yourself!

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:58:27
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