Best device to use to record a 3ds?

2016-12-20 9:05 am
So ive been looking for 3ds capture cards and all i can find is $600 ones, does anyone know were i can buy a cheap 3ds capture card?

回答 (2)

2016-12-20 9:37 am
No, there's no such thing as a cheap one. There is no video-out on the 3DS, so it's not possible to get something that just plugs into it. That means a capture card has to be an internal hardware modification, opening the 3DS up and splicing it in, cutting a hole in the case for a USB slot.

These cards are produced only when someone orders one, due to low demand (well, lots of people 'want' one but don't realise the level of complication and technical knowhow), so those people get to control the price, there is no cheaper, mass-produced commercial version. More than likely what you saw was a modded 3DS with the card installed, rather than just the card on its own, but even then, $600 sounds shockingly high.

Either way, you're better off fixing a camera at a distance to the screen.
2016-12-20 11:09 am

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:58:47
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