What do people think of Donal Trump is president of America?

2016-12-19 10:06 pm
Now people know probably that World War 3 or other conspiracys won't happen do you think he is an over all alright person and better then the media made him out to be? Is he going to end up doing things only for America and not much more so don't worry about anything, right? He is thinking how to make the poor rich at the moment so.

回答 (11)

2016-12-19 10:12 pm
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I didn't vote for him, but I wish he will find it in heart to represent all Americans. I wish for the best.

We have come to a turning point, and isolation from the world may be the new direction. I don't like it, but I will adapt.
2016-12-19 10:17 pm
We KNOW that he is a con man who cheated thousands out of 175 million dollars (he only had to pay 25 million to make the lawsuit go away). We KNOW that he is a serial adulterer. We KNOW that he sexually assaults women (just "grabs them by the p*ssy). We KNOW that he has a close relationship with the hostile foreign power that has been shown to have undermined our election on his behalf. We KNOW that about 80% of what falls out of his mouth is not true. His entire economic plan consists of tax cuts for rich people and corporations, and cuts to programs and services for everyone else. He has appointed folks to his cabinet not to administer agencies, but to dismantle our infrastructure (DeVos @ Education, Rick Perry @ Energy, 3 crooked banksters, a Labor Secretary who hates working Americans and an EPA administrator right from the oil industry).
2016-12-19 10:16 pm
What I do know is what Hillary would have done. Amnesty for illegals, nothing significant being done at the border. Syrian refugees pouring in at a much higher rate. Continue the attack on our police, while coddling criminals, especially if they're black. Continuing to downsize our military, and most important, a liberal Supreme Court Justice nominee, who would attack our 1st and 2nd Amendments.
2016-12-19 10:08 pm
He'll do things to enrich his business. Do you have any evidence that he cares about America at all? He'll make sure that Russia's act of war hacking goes unpunished unless it harms Republicans.
2016-12-19 10:07 pm
Trump is the Jar-Jar Binks of US politicians. .
2016-12-19 11:34 pm
Because his uneducated supporters just don't get it. (LOL)

They think that trump is doing so much when in fact, he has no authority to do anything.

He is just running around here trying to look presidential. But he has no authority as a president-elect.
2016-12-19 10:23 pm
one of the chinese govts main newspapers is saying dt's not fit to be US pres,

or leader of any major power.

that is the consensus in the US, too,

dt's not mentally fit to be Pres :

“This is a unique moment in American political history,
“in which the mental stability of one of the major party nominees for president is dominating the conversation.” --
David Brooks, conservative commentator.
http://tinyurl.com/jsq9hzu Nytimes July 19, 2016
“Is Donald Trump a Sociopath?”
“Debate Over Trump’s Fitness Raises Issue of Checks on Nuclear Power”
http://tinyurl.com/h5ldq2v toronto star aug 2016
“Is Donald Trump OK?
“Erratic behaviour raises mental health questions”
A list of prominent commentators questioning dt’s sanity :
“ ‘Donald Trump is not of sound mind,‘ ”
conservative Stephen Hayes wrote in the Weekly Standard.
http://tinyurl.com/j7htle8 . washpost aug 01 ‘16
“Donald Trump’s a man with a disordered personality…”
“…his psychological pathologies are ultimately self-destructive…”
“Trump’s self-destructive lack of discipline…"
“Trump's apparent self-sabotage.”
http://tinyurl.com/j8hzro2 WashPost opinion July 28, 2016
“The real estate tycoon is uniquely unqualified to serve as president, in experience and temperament...
http://tinyurl.com/zunwnev nytimes opinion sept 28, 2016
“Electing Trump would be insanity.”
“…very few CEO’s of major US corps. are supporting him…
“Maybe because CEO’s and investors know Trump and his campaign manager Ms Conway are con artists.”
http://tinyurl.com/h4sfktq nytimes aug 2016
“In the last decade of his life, the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease slowed Fred Trump [don’s father.] “
2016-12-19 10:08 pm
WW4 Will be fought with sticks and stones. Quote: Albert Einstein
2016-12-19 10:17 pm
I've only been around for a short while, and my experience is that Bush got set up to fail by shoddy econcomic conditions left by Clinton, and then terrorists attacked America. Then Obama thought he would end the war and turn things around without gross warmongering, but got dragged deeper into the war, found himself the culprit of racial catastrophe, and had to use executive power plays just to do a little bit of what he wanted (and then the ACA crashed) - Now we have Trump who thinks he's going to do one thing or another, with or without zealots who dream of a greater America, and I'm about positive the many unexpected and far more difficult than expected circumstances of being the president will side-track him and his goals also.
As president, throughout these situations, I'm sure he will be capable enough, just like anybody else, and, most likely, nothing will go according to plan.
2016-12-19 10:10 pm
I think he is in over his head.
2016-12-19 10:09 pm
I looking forward to President Trump, though cautiously optimistic. As long as he doesn't do or say something stupid, we should come out of this better than what obama wanted. I also look forward to Trump ignoring the United Nations if and when obama is inflicted as Debuty.

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