Can you wear a long sleeve shirt or jacket and pants in 30 degrees c?

2016-12-19 10:00 pm
First of all let's say your doing noting but on a computer at a desk all day, noting physical so you don't sweat so much, can you get away with it?

回答 (2)

2016-12-19 10:02 pm
In other words you still need your Mommy to dress you, right?
2016-12-19 10:31 pm
I wouldn't be able to "get away with it" I would be melting. If I wore a shirt with sleeves the shirt would need to be a loose and lightweight summer shirt. A jacket and pants? No way unless I wanted to have it soaked in sweat. I can't stand heat. No idea how you are in the heat -but me; I suffer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:06:09
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