How to get into acting and modeling ?

2016-12-19 6:20 pm
I'm 19 years old not in college yet. I planned on starting 2017 august but I've always wanted to become an actor and do modeling ? How do I get into it ? What should I do? I always see people say start signing up for agencies this and that but aren't they all fake bs ? I plan on moving to New York Staten Island and rooming with someone for 300 a month. How do I start trying to get into acting in the state of New York ? Any tips and ideas on what I should do. I want to strive for this. Of course I know there are people out there better then me but why can't I try my hand at this .....

回答 (3)

2016-12-19 9:27 pm
Acting and modelling are totally different, completely separate careers.
Modelling only very, very rarely leads to anything at all to do with acting.

To be an actor would probably need about seven years of very hard work at acting school and gaining experience with a really good community theatre. And even after all that, the best you'd probably ever get is about ten days' paid acting work a year.

Real agents are never, ever interested in beginners.
2016-12-19 7:54 pm
For modeling you submit your pictures to agencies and they will call you if they think you have potential.
Here is a list of agencies in NY that represent men
Apply to as many as possible - you might have to apply to 10 or more to get even one callback. And if you apply to 10 or more and don't get any callbacks then you have to accept you don't have the right face or body to be a model

For acting you start by taking lessons - there are so many acting schools and classes in NYC
Then you start to get experience by auditioning for amateur productions like community theatre, small theatre companies, etc
2016-12-19 6:24 pm
What professional training and experience do you have?

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