Taking online college in other languages?

2016-12-19 10:51 am
Say you want to go to nursing school but online in a different language other than english example spanish! Can you do that or do you have to able to know english?? If so where to apply?

回答 (4)

2016-12-19 11:01 am
You should know English very well if you want to be an RN in America. For sure.
2016-12-19 11:29 am
There is no such thing as nursing school that is 100 percent online. They will be a lot of things that you need to do in person (for example, how are you going to learn how to give an injection because you will have to demonstrate it or practice it.)

Furthermore if you go to a nursing school that is not based in United States, you may not be able to take your license examination at all and this mean you will have wasted a lot of time and money.

http://www.rn.ca.gov/careers/steps.shtml This is for Californians, but it applies to other states, as well.
2016-12-19 12:37 pm
Aside from the issue with doing nursing online, there are online courses in languages other than English. You should check that the college/university is official and employers will recognise a degree from it as being legitimate. Also you will need to be fluent in the language that the courses are in so, if your aim is to get better at speaking another language, you should take language classes instead.
2016-12-19 12:25 pm
Study nursing in your country of citizenship. If you are a citizen of Spain, Mexico, etc, go to nursing school in your country so you can pass your exams - in Spanish, of course, in Spanish-speaking countries. If you are in an English-speaking country such as US, you MUST be fluent in English, sit exams in English, etc. Fluency in a second (& third) language is helpful, but English is mandatory.

As for online studies, you have a fully equipped bio/chem lab in your basement so you can do the labs for your science classes? And what about your rotations - supervised training? NO ONLINE SCHOOL FOR NURSING!!!!

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