Am I right to be angry with my mum?

2016-12-19 2:08 am
I'm a senior in high school who has recently decided that following my graduation, I will be moving out of state and taking classes either at a community college or online until I attend a four year university, I'm calling it a gap year even though it technically isn't. My dad is fine with it and has offered to pay for my classes and help me move out, however, my mum is furious since I'm not immediately attending a four year school but will be leaving home regardless. I have saved up several thousand in order to pay rent, utilities, gas, insurance etc until I'm able to find a job in my new area, but my mum dropped a bomb on me last night telling me she intends on having me take care of my car payment. Not a big deal for most people, but I have a BMW that's only half way payed off, not to mention my car payment (since it's on a fairly aggressive plan) is $500 a month, not something I can really afford to pay while first moving out/getting a job. This is only a hundred less than what my rent will be. I can not be paying the same for a car as I am on rent.

The car was previously my father's and when I got my license it was given to me and he got a new car. This car was a GIFT for passing my driving test, and now my mum is trying to dump the last $20,000 they owe on it on me, as a form of punishment for leaving them and pursuing a life two states over. I would not be paying off this car if I attended a four year school immediately,

I wouldn't even be paying off this car if I stayed at home and took courses at the community college near my house. My mother is only trying to get me to pay for this car so I'll be forced to come back home three months after I leave because I can no longer afford to be on my own.


And for the record, the only reason I'll be taking this year off is so I can figure out that the major I will be going into (photography) will be right for me, and so I won't be spending $40,000 a year at university on a degree I won't even use. I will also have another year to work on my art/photograohy and apply into programs with a stronger portfolio. However, I know if I spend the year at home I won't be as productive and will be too reliant on my parents, since they'll be paying for me.

回答 (4)

2016-12-19 9:41 am
i would be angry too and shes trying to control you by doing that, dont let her do that to you and move out anyways and if she dont like it thats her problem
2016-12-19 2:32 am
I'm really curious to find out where you would move that you could get yourself an apartment for only $600 a month rent. An apartment that you could actually park that vehicle and anticipate it would still be there next time you looked. I live in the sticks in Oregon and nothing is that cheap around here!

Well.... you are a teen age guy who isn't getting everything you want and so it is normal that you'd be angry about that. Angry that you want to move out and be an adult all on your own but not pay for your classes or your car or your insurance. You want to swagger the advancement of adulthood but not pay for it. I think that is very normal but I also don't see anything wrong with your Mom's position. Is your name on the title to the vehicle? Is your name on the loan? If not, that car doesn't belong to you.
2016-12-19 2:11 am
give car back get an old clunker - problem solved
2016-12-19 2:09 am

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