Tap deck not recording right?

2016-12-18 11:45 pm
when I try to record from a cd (or anything else), I play it back and there are parts where the quality drops and it starts cutting out. when I retry, it'll happen again but in different spots. The rest of the recording will sound fine. The same deck plays tapes just fine, so it only has problems recording. The tape I'm recording with is brand new, and I've tried the using different ones with the same results. What would cause this problem.

also it only has 2 heads, I'm guessing erase and record/playback, and again playback works fine.

回答 (4)

2016-12-19 4:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, you do indeed need to clean the heads on these machines periodically. Alcohol is the cleaning solution. Use only very pure alcohol. Denatured from the hardware store or 80 percent plus from the phamacy.

The heads also need to be "degaussed" from time to time. YOu need a special device for this and need to get all your tapers out of the room or else the degausser will damage them with the intense magnetic field it created.

However the dropouts you are experiencing are more a problem of the tape. This is common with tape that has been previously recorded - recording over, in other words. But you say it is new tape.

It may not be brand new at all. It may be "new - old stock", and has been sitting around for a decade. Tape doesn't last forever and some formulations even get gummy over time. It may simply be a cheap brand of tape.
2016-12-19 12:13 am
Worn, dirty recording head.
2016-12-20 7:51 am
Time for a trip to a repair shop.

Dirt might do it, but my guess is that it is caused by
a bad component or two in the recording circuitry.

This is Not a D-I-Y matter, as diagnosis will almost certainly
involve knowledgeable and skillful use of test equipment.
2016-12-19 1:11 am
The recording head may need to be de-magnetized, and cleaned.

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