If you need antibiotics ( you got cold),do you need a recipe from doctor to receive it from a pharmacist ,? Drug store?

2016-12-18 10:10 pm

回答 (9)

2016-12-18 10:38 pm
Antibiotics do nothing for a cold, but a prescription is needed to obtain an antibiotic from a Pharmacist.
2016-12-18 10:11 pm
Antibiotics will not help a cold. A cold is caused by a virus. Antibiotics only help with bacteria. Antibiotics do not help with a virus.
2016-12-19 1:12 am
That's exactly why the government has the authority to require a prescription for you to get an antibiotic: you're planning to use an antibiotic to treat a cold, which is stupid but mostly your business; but overuse of antibiotics leads to increases in drug resistance in people who actually need antibiotics, so the public has a need to be protected from your stupid act. Things that actually work for a cold (chicken soup for the congestion, honey for the cough) and don't pose a danger to your neighbors are not restricted by the government.
2016-12-19 1:32 am
Doctor WON'T give you antibiotics for a cold, unless you have a secondary bacterial infection.
2016-12-19 10:21 am
antibiotics to treat a cold? smh ..this is why Dr Rx is mandatory
2016-12-19 6:56 am
Get some over the counter meds to help with the symptoms of the cold as antibiotics are not a cold cure. all it does is make use for real infections less effective when you really need them.
2016-12-19 6:28 am
Cold is a virus, antibiotics don't affect viruses at all.
2016-12-19 5:33 am
you wont get antibiotics for a cold, theyre for infections. yes you need a prescription for these medications.
a cold will pass on its own
2016-12-18 10:31 pm
Yes...and it's call a prescription.

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