Are you a male child?

2016-12-18 9:09 am
I feel like i am the only male child on the planet

回答 (6)

2016-12-18 9:13 am
well your not as i am 51 years young and i have six boys
2016-12-18 11:20 pm
I feel like going to eat breakfast. And can see a male child out the window -- so you are not the only one.
2016-12-18 11:47 am
I am a man but i used to be a male child
2016-12-18 10:04 am
Look at it this way there are approximately 3.2 billion male humans in this world. It just so happens that the male population in your small corner of this world are a bit scarce.
2016-12-18 9:17 am
Nope I'm female
2016-12-18 9:15 am
I was a male child, now I am a male adult.

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